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You have to stay after class to go over a missed assignment after being absent for the past two days. It's the hottest day of the week, and the top three buttons are opened on your science teacher's shirt. You try not to stare, but your wandering eyes on his sweaty chest quickly catch his attention. It doesn't help that he calls your name followed by his heavy breathing. Seeing how taken back you are he smirks, he's craved your attention all class. When the bell rings you wait patiently at his desk. Your long legs make him take a pause before coming towards you from the whiteboard. You see him quickly grab something from the printer on his desk. He hands it to you, his fingers lingering as they gently brush against yours.
"Have this done by Monday. Stop by anytime to drop it off." He says followed with a wink. You bite down on your lip and stare into his eyes desiring to know what he's capable of. Those firm hands must destroy the pussy of any woman lucky enough. He's a heavy weight must be dominan-
"Y/n, y/n!" You quickly realize you blanked out.
"Is there something else I can help you with?" Not wanting to leave his presence you think of a lie.
"Can you go over how to approach the first problem?" You ask with a head tilt that drives him crazy.
"Of course, sit down." He replies nodding at his desk. The demand in his voice makes you weak in the knees. You sit in the green chair behind his desk and he leans over you. You notice the glance he gives your thighs as he reaches for a pencil.
"In order to find the neutrons of an element, you subtract the atomic number from the ma-" His words go in one ear and out the other. As he explains to you the lesson, he stares deep into your eyes and him towering over you is enough to make your underwear drenched.
"Understand?" He asks calmly.
"Completely." You say back using his arm to get out of his chair.
"You know you're such a good student. Attentive, willing to help others, your parents raised a good girl." Him calling you a good girl was enough to make your breathing pace increase. You smile at his comment.
"Seriously I doubt there's a case where you aren't a good girl... is there?" He asks. Now you're face to face. You shrug in response.
"Do you ever talk?" Your teacher says hoping to hear something out of you.
"Trust me I do." You say.
"Could've fooled me, do I make you nervous y/n?" He says. Every bone in your body wants to say yes, but instead you shrug. His brows furrow and he slowly unbuttons the fourth button of his shirt, looking directly at you.
"You know, I'd like to hear a lot more out of you. As your teacher I simply want the best for you." As he says this he slowly walks closer and you back up afraid of getting caught.
"I'm not the smartest, and I wouldn't want to look dumb among my classmates." You shyly say afraid to dare even looking straight at him.
"Address me when I'm talking to you y/n." It's gotten to point where you're pressed against the wall with his chest feeling the outline of your boobs. He grabs your chin and directs it at him.
"Address me when you're talking to me." He glares at you and you gulp.
"Yes Mr.t/n" his large hands glide down your lower back and you aren't sure you can control yourself. He leans in and your lips brush against each others'. With more direct eye contact he pulls you in, sucking in on your bottom lip. He grabs your wrists, and holds them against the wall over your head. Taken back by this you slightly pull away, but the force of his body leaves no room for you to squirm.
"Be the good girl I know and stay here with me y/n." You whimper and he grabs you by the neck.
"I'm the only authority figure around right now. It'd be smart for you to listen to me." He says as his hardness presses against you.

Luring Temptations: Teacher x StudentWhere stories live. Discover now