21- scissors

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"YOU HAVE TO go away, teo," ren whined and tried to wiggle her way out of his grip.

"but i don't want to," he smiled. "what if we just go shopping together?"

"i have to pick up your presents. they've held them for like a month." she pouted.

"so? i'll see them anyways? which means i can go with you."

"no. it has to be a surprise."

mattheo let out a dramatic sigh as he finally let her go, "if you hate me so much."

"i don't hate you!" she gasped. "i just want to make sure i get your presents."

"this is revolting." harry said to ginny from where they stood off to the side.

"it's cute." she smiled at her boyfriend. "you can tell they really like each other."

"but ren's so nice! and he's so- so him!"

ginny rolled her eyes, "that's what makes it cute. he matches her energy most of the time, but he takes care of her."

"can we go already?" harry said loudly. "i'm sick of waiting here."

"no!" mattheo said.

"we can!" ren ran away, "i'll meet up with you later."


"so i can hold my presents, but i can't see them?" mattheo asked.

"you insisted on holding them," ren huffed and reached for them. "i can if you don't want to."

"no," he jerked them away. "i'm just saying your logic is warped."

"you're so weird."

"ooh, let's go in there." he pulled her into a store. "i want to dress you up like build a bear, sweet girl."

ren flushed. "mattheo. my family is in the same mall!"

he shrugged, "i think you'd look marvelous in this blue, don't you think?" he held it against her.

"teo," she pushed it away. "let's not."

"we can return whatever it is you got me." he said. "i'd die a happy man if you let me dress you up."

"fine. but if my family sees the bag i will kill you." she mumbled.

"bags." he corrected. "and there's this wonderful thing called magic."


"what took you two so long?" lily asked when ren and mattheo finally returned.

"there was a long line." mattheo said.

"uh huh." ren nodded.

sirius narrowed his eyes. "where'd you go? your head is practically lolling, ren."

"build a bear." mattheo said cooly. "i shrunk it down into one of the bags."

"cute," ginny smiled.

"thanks." he squeezed his girlfriend's waist.


"i was right," mattheo leaned back.

"you think so?" ren turned in the mirror. "i feel like it washes me out."

white horse, mattheo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now