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Mason Zachary Bianchi's pov:

I woke up, the feeling of agonizing pain filling every inch of my body because of yesterday, my half sisters, Miranda, Makayla, Morgan and Maggie made sure to beat me up to ensure that the pain would be unbearable.

I'm now left with a probably sprained wrist and ankle, bloodied nose, busted lip and bruises all over my body and on my cheekbone. As well as a red mark on my cheek from when my mom who I have to call ma'am, slapped me.

I'm not sure why they hate me so much. I don't know what I did wrong, I wanna know what I did wrong so that I can at least try to fix it and apologize, I just want a loving family, loving parents and loving siblings. Unfortunately I'm not made to be loved, as much as I love my family, they don't love me back.

I sighed and got out of my twin sized mattress and went to the bathroom. I rubbed my pale face with cold water and brushed my teeth using my mint toothpaste and light blue toothbrush. After I was done I wiped my face with a towel being careful because of my nose,lip and cheekbone.

After I was done I changed into my school uniform, thank god it was Friday because I don't think I can take both the abuse from my family and bullies for another day. After changing into my school uniform I grabbed my bag and went downstairs. I set my bag beside the door before going to the kitchen. "Mason!" I heard ma'am calling for me, I hurried to where ma'am was, sitting at the dining table. "Make sausages and eggs for me and the girls, and hurry up! Your gonna make my daughters late!" She stated her order firmly. I nodded in fear and went to the kitchen to fulfill the order I got from ma'am.

I got the pan out from the cupboard and got the stove ready before placing the pan on top of the flames. I put 10 small sausages and waited a few moments before flipping them over and letting them cook some more before putting them on a serving plate.

I then set up the table before bringing the food and setting it on each plate.

I heard my stomach grumble in hunger as I debated on whether I should ask Ma'am for food or not. I finally gave in after a few moments of thinking. "M-ma'am?" I spoke nervously, "What?" she huffed out "M-may I h-have some f-food p-please?" I replied nervously as the twins snickered. "You brat! You think I don't give you enough food!?" she shouted as I flinched, my eyes slightly widening. "N-no i-its j-just t-that I didn't e-eat anything s-since three d-days a-ago" I stuttered out as I backed up, she got up from her chair harshly, walked towards me, she delivered a slap across my face, that would surely leave a red slap mark.

She wrapped her sickly hand around my neck, choking me. I felt lightheaded headed and I'm pretty sure my lips turned slightly blue "P-please stop' i managed to stutter out as she smiled sadistically at me. She let me go and I fell to the floor, feeling my vision go blurry, I started coughing violently. "Dramatic brat" Morgan scoffed before all of my sisters went to leave for school, leaving me to walk in the cold with no warm clothes, no car to drive me, nothing, absolutely nothing.

After a few minutes of coughing and panting I got up slowly, using the wall behind me as a support. I grabbed my school bag and put on my shoes before leaving the house to walk to school. I shivered as I started my walk to school in the cold as it was December it was obviously very cold and snowing here in New York City.

I got bullied a lot at school. I don't have any friends except for the school's most popular guys, Matteo and Marco. They defended me when my sisters and their 'minions' were bullying me. I don't know why they would want to be friends with me but I'm glad they are, they're very nice and help me with stuff, give me food, and defend me from bullies. We've been friends ever since the first trimester and right now we are in the third trimester so two or three months I think?

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