Astra VS The Rogue God.

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A/N: On the side note, I'm using the Polytheistic version of Yahweh, who is one of El's children, not the Monotheistic or Monolatry version of Yahweh.

Astra Prime was the youngest and the last of the Fourteen, the original Transformers created by Primus, the Lord of Light. She had the power to manipulate the weather, summoning storms, winds, rains and lightning at her will. She was a brave and loyal warrior, who fought alongside her siblings against the evil Unicron and his minions. She had a special bond with Solus Prime, the only other female among the Fourteen, who was a master crafter and inventor. Solus taught Astra many things about art, science and culture, and Astra admired her greatly.

But Astra's world was shattered when Solus was killed by Liege Maximo, one of the Fourteen who had betrayed them and joined Unicron's side. Liege Maximo had secretly poisoned Solus's forge, causing it to explode when she was working on a new weapon. Astra was devastated by the loss of her mentor and friend, and blamed herself for not being able to protect her. She also grew angry and distrustful of her other brothers, especially Megatronus, who had fallen in love with Solus and had failed to save her.

Astra decided to leave Cybertron and wander the cosmos, seeking a new purpose and a new home. She eventually came across a small blue planet called Earth, where she found a diversity of life forms and cultures. She was fascinated by the humans, who reminded her of Solus's creations. She also encountered other beings who claimed to be gods or spirits of the planet, such as the Olympians, the Asgardians, the Egyptian pantheon and the Hindu deities. Astra befriended some of them, while avoiding others who were hostile or arrogant.

One of the beings that Astra disliked was Yahweh, a god of a tribe called Israelites. Yahweh claimed to be the only true god and demanded absolute obedience from his followers. He also sought to destroy or enslave other gods and peoples who did not worship him. Astra found Yahweh to be cruel, selfish and megalomaniacal.

Astra felt a surge of anger and fear as she saw the dark clouds gathering over the horizon. She knew who was behind them, and what he intended to do. She had tried to reason with him, to warn him of the consequences of his actions, but he had ignored her. He had called her a traitor, a heretic, a false god. He had claimed that he was the only true God, and that all others must bow to him or perish.

She had met Yahweh long ago, when she first arrived on Earth. She had been fascinated by the diversity and beauty of this planet, and by the many cultures and religions that flourished here. She had learned from them, and shared her own wisdom and power with them. She had made friends with many of the local deities, who welcomed her as a fellow divine being. She had also encountered some enemies, who saw her as a threat or a rival. But none of them had been as dangerous or as arrogant as Yahweh.

He was a young god, a son of El, the supreme god of the Semitic pantheon. He had started as a minor deity of storms and war, but he had grown in power and ambition over time. He had chosen a group of humans, the Israelites, as his special people, and he had demanded their exclusive worship and obedience. He had also waged war against other nations and gods, seeking to expand his influence and dominion. He had shown no mercy or compassion to those who opposed him or refused to acknowledge him.

Astra had tried to stop him, to make him see reason. She had reminded him of the sacred bond that all living beings shared, and of the balance that must be maintained in the cosmos. She had told him that he was not the only god, nor the greatest one. She had told him that he was a brother to her and to all other deities, and that they should work together for the common good. She had told him that he was a child of Primus, the creator-god of the Transformers, who loved all his creations equally.

Astra Prime: Cybertronian Weather GoddessWhere stories live. Discover now