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Ch. 16: Love and Pain

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Without a second glance at her phone, Val spun away from the bar and slipped off of the barstool. She nearly stumbled when her feet found the ground, the room spinning while she reoriented herself. Cazzo, am I really that drunk?

Taking one last sip of water, Val left the bar. She attempted to maintain a relaxed demeanor as she strode toward Luca, where he stood with a number of other bodyguards at the VIP section entrance. Poor thing, he looked impossibly bored, but his eyes lit up when he saw her.

"Everything okay, Val?" he questioned when she was close enough, stepping away from the other guards so that they could talk privately.

"Everything's fine," she assured him, offering a small smile. "I just need to go to the restroom."

"Ah, I was wondering when those drinks would get to you." He winked. "You drink vodka like a Russian."

Val's nose crinkled. "It was gin, thank you very much. I'll be back out soon, and then we can leave. I don't think Ezra needs me here anymore."

She glanced down at the time on her phone. Another minute had passed. She had two scant moments to find someplace private enough for whatever Matteo had in store for her.

"Do you need me to come with you?" Luca offered, nodding toward the grand bathrooms at the back of the VIP section.

"No!" Val said, too quickly. She shook her head, forcing an easy smile on her lips as she reassured him. "No, I'm fine. I just... might be a few minutes."

He eyed her warily, brows furrowed in judgmental concern. "O-kay. That's a bit TMI, Val."

She shot him a scalding glare but said nothing to clear her name. If Luca believed that she was running off to deal with some horrific stomach issue, so be it. At least it would keep him from checking in on her prematurely.

She turned on her heel, swaying as the floor vibrated beneath her, and bee-lined for the bathroom hall. She'd been there once already and knew that there were two separate men's and women's rooms. But, she'd also seen a handful of separate inclusive bathrooms adjacent to them.

Val sighed, approaching one of the doors and wishing that Matteo had given her time to find a far more glamorous private space. As it was, she guessed that most of the private lounges had already been rented for the evening.

She slipped inside the bathroom and locked the door behind her, surprised to find an immaculately clean and decorated space. White flower sculptures scattered across ocean blue walls, and the lights emitted a soft, inviting glow. The club's music played softly on an overhead speaker, allowing occupants to never miss a beat.

In truth, she shouldn't have been surprised. This was Ezra McLeod's VIP lounge. Even the bathrooms were fit for a king.

Val had only taken a few steps toward the center of the bathroom when her phone began buzzing in her palm. Matteo's name flashed across the screen, and her heart rate spiked.

Despite her nerves, she hurried to lift the phone to her ear and answered breathlessly, "Matteo."

"Are you alone?" he demanded, his voice low. In the background, she heard the tandem notes of a saxophone and piano, as if he'd called her from a gentleman's club. She could practically smell the cigar smoke through the speaker.

"Yes." Although she didn't want to admit that she'd sought refuge in the bathroom, of all places.

"And are you having a good night?" The question sounded so normal. Almost like he'd called simply to check in on her.

The Hitman's SecretOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz