Chapter 29 ❥

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Me and Leah had a lot of time to think some time together and some time apart which was good for us, being able to get back into the swing of things was beneficial to be able to strengthen are relationship and things for the first time in a while looked promising

The other girls had finally caught news of my arrival back to the uk and thankfully seeing as we were so close to the start of the season we had a training session due today so no need for any planning just being at the same place at the same time

Putting back on the training kit felt odd, while I hadn't actually trained with Barcelona when I went back it still felt as if I had been gone for longer than I had but I was so sick of feeling out of place not only in the environment I was in but also within myself and so I was more than ready for some familiarity;


The same old routine was actually more comforting than I had initially thought it would be, rushing out of my apartment as my time management isn't great; getting into my warm car; playing my music and arriving to training a minute before I was officially classed as late

Walking into the grounds finding the door to the locker room made my stomach turn ever so slightly the same kind of feeling you get on your first day of school or work,

what I was worried about most was if my friends felt as if I had betrayed them in any way and had any sort of animosity but a part of me new I was too in my head about the whole thing I just wish that part would actually show up

But despite what I thought I still had training to do so I walked in with my head held high and sense of forced optimism placed into my head

"Look who it is" was the first thing I heard when I walked in form no other than Katie McCabe

I smile to myself and put my bag down

"Couldn't get rid of me that easily" I winked playfully

"Fashionably late as per usual Bella" Beth joked

"I am not late" I exclaimed looking at my watch to see i was probably around 2 minutes late "okay well I'm not that late" I followed which warranted a flow of laughter around the room

Being able to settle like I had never been gone gave me peace of mind, no one looked at me differently but there was a definite lingering of confusion no one truly new what happened between me and Leah they new the bases of the fact we went through a rough patch as the thought of leaving would of never crossed my mind if we didn't,

But the thought of trying to explain felt almost impossible as I didn't know what I'd say,
thinking back the whole thing was a blur one minute we were fine and then the other we were arguing for no real reason and the situation was far to hard to complicated to put into words without it sounding like either Leah was in the wrong or that I was being completely dramatic and I didn't want other peoples opinions about are relationship it would just make it harder for us to re build

So at this moment I was glad that we were focused on the positive of my return and getting ready for competition and nothing else


We were all headed for the gym being honest I preferred going to the gym to train than going out onto the field it was just more relaxing

"So are you enjoying it so far" Leah asked as she caught up with me

"Leah i didn't actually train in Barcelona I've practically never been gone" I laughed at the persistency in her making sure I was ok

Hand in hand ; 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐡 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now