Chapter 20: The Coin Flip Gamble

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Marinette's P.O.V:

I woke to see Damian's cute sleeping face right in front of me he was sound asleep, snoring softly. (His eyes were closed and twitching slightly, indicating he was in a deep sleep, himouth was opened slightly, and a trickle of drool fell down his cheek)

I couldn't help but smile (he looks so cute like this), I thought to myself I slowly got out of bed and got dressed. I looked over to see Damian stiring in his sleep, and I knew he would wake up soon.

"Hey, sleepy, it's almost noon," I said softly, and Damain slowly opened his eyes. I smile at him, and he gives me a sleepy smile. "You know you look so cute right now," I said with a smile.

"Thanks, Angel," Damian said as he gave me a sleepy smile.

"You're welcome, my love," I say with a warm smile.

"Go get dressed. I have a fun day planned for us after the stressful battle we went through the other day," I say to Damian.

He smiles and nods his head as he grabs some clothes and heads into the bathroom. I waited patiently on the bed for him to finish, and after about an hour, he came out of the bathroom. "You look good, my love," I say with a warm smile, admiring his appearance.

"Thanks, my angel, now you go get dressed," he says with a chuckle and a warm smile. He was so happy I could latterly see his eyes sparkle from all the joy.

I walked into that bathroom with a change of clothes after a out an hour, I fished up and made my way back to the bedroom. I saw Damian looking down at his phone, but as soon as he saw me, his face lit up as he put his phone away, "are you ready, my love?" I ask him.

He nods as he holds out his hand for me to take it, I smile and take his hand as we leave the bedroom together. We walked by his father's room, and I could literally hear Bruce Wayne snoring loudly it sounded like a freight train was going by.

Me and Damian couldn't help but laugh, but we did so as soon as we were far enough from his room. After having my famous homemade crispy waffles and bacon me and Damian left the manor.

I led him to a movie theater, and we ended up watching the Venom movie. Some parts scared me, and Damian noticed, so he wrapped his arm around me gently and gave me a comforting hug.

After the movie we went to a nearby restaurant for lunch. Damian ordered a loaded baked potato while I ordered a salad. While we were heading home me and Damian heard the sound of Two-Face laughing.

We ducked down an alley way so we could change luckily. I brought mu miraculous with me, and Damian brought his.

Damian: Goliath, screech! (Becomes Shadow-Bat).

Luna: Greetings, Alpha

Me: Luna Howl on (Becomes Gray Wolf).

"Let's go see what Two-Face is up too," I say, and Shadow-Bat nods his head.

We make our way over to Two-Face as he's discussing a plane to get rid of the Bat-Family to his goons/followers. As soon as we heard everything, we tried to sneak quietly away, but we were knocked out by two of Two-Faces men.

When I opened my eyes, I looked around and saw Shadow-Bat unconscious beside me, his head dangling down. Both of us were tied up and strapped to two separate chairs.

"Ah, so the bratty hero is awake," a voice said from the shadows.

I turned to see Two-Face flipping his coin with a flick of his thumb, "Why did you bring us here?!" I asked in a demanded voice.

"You heard my plans for you and the Bat-Family and couldn't let you ruin the surprise," Two-Face said with a glear.

I glared at him, then Two-Face spoke up again, "Why don't you call the caped crusader?" he said as he left to fetch a phone.

At the moment, Shadow-Bat slowly woke, "Ugh, my head," he moaned.

He turned to see Grey Wolf beside him, "My love, where are we and why are we tied up?" He asked.

"Two-Face kidnapped us to prevent us from warning the others of his plan," I informed him.

Shadow-Bat was silent for a second, "Well, as always, he's not so bright it would seem that word of our final forms hasn't spread since we brought The Riddler back." Shadow-Bat said with a slight chuckle.

Just the Two-Face returned with a phone, "Ah, the former Boy Wonder is up as well. Good, you can call Bat's and tell him the news," Two-Face said as he held out the phone to Shadow-Bat.

Shadow-Bat dialed the Batcave number, and soon Batman picked up, "Hello?" He said in a cautious voice.

"Hey dad," Shadow-Bat said into the speaker.

"Shadow-Bat, where are you? Where have you been? Are you and Grey Wolf ok?" He asked.

"Two-Face captured us," Shadow-Bat informed him.

"Hold tight well be their soon," Batman said.

"Dad, don't me and Grey Wolf will be ok." Shadow-Bat told him.

"But..." Batman was about to say before he was cut off. "Dad, we'll be fine. Remember the battle in New York City?" Shadow-Bat asked.

Batman was silent for a moment before he replied with a sigh, followed by yes I do, "Good me and Grey Wolf will be fine." Shadow-Bat reminded him.

Batman replied with an ok before hanging up, Two-Face burst out in laughter. "You were foolish to deny help from your Bat-Family," he laughed.

Shadow-Bat turned to Grey Wolf. "Shal we, my love?" He asked.

Grey Wolf nodded. Just then, the two transformed, Shadow-Bat looked like a demon with extremely sharp teeth, black hair with red highlights, red horns, red and black wings and tail, his eyes were as black as the night with a slit in the center that was as dark red as blood.

Grey Wolf transformed into what looked like an angel with golden hair that had purple highlights, golden wolf ears and a golden tail with a purple tip, a golden halo, a white and golden dress with white and golden boots, a single cross earring, pure golden eyes, and snow white angel wings.

"What the?!" Two-Face asked in pure shock.

Soon, Demon Lord and Goddess stood before him, "What's wrong, Two-Face shocked by my love and my final form?" Demon Lord asked in a smug smile.

"What?!" He shouted.

When Two-Face's men tried to attack, Goddess used her powers to destroy their weapons while Demon Lord caused them to feel absolute pain. Soon, Two-Face was the only one left standing, but in no time at all, he was knocked out.

Soon, the police came and took Two-Face and his men away in hand cuffs. After they were gone, Demon Lord and Goddess returned back to the Batcave. The others were thrilled to see them back safe and sound. Nightwing, Red-Hood, Red-Robin, Batgirl, Catwoman, and Batwoman were shocked by their final forms, while Batman and Cat Noir acted casual.

"Demon spawn, are you and Mari's new look due to you both being betrothed?" Red-Hood asked, and Damian nodded his head. Seeing how the two looked tired, Batman had them take the night off from patrols and get some sleep. So Marinette and Damian headed to their room and fell asleep in bed.

To be continued....

(Sorry it took so long to finish this. I've been really busy, and I'll try to keep posting new chapters as soon as possible)

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