13. Her touch

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Meera came back to her room after a much tiring day. After her crying session, she went inside only to find some friends of her mother-in-law waiting. She had to sit there for some time with them and later on, she was blocked by her vanar sena forcing her to tell what she got as a gift. Just like that, she didn't even get the time to spend with herself. After a tiring day, she went back to her room only to find her husband sitting there on the bed working on his laptop. She looked at him and their eyes met. She quickly averted her eyes and went to the wardrobe. She carefully put the box and went on to change for the night. She was about to wear her night suit when her eyes went to a section of the night suit that Aashrit bought for her.

She remembered the words "TRY", took a deep breath, and let it be the first step towards her new relationship. She went to the night dress section and brought out a night suit.

After doing her night routine, she went back into the room and saw Aashrit still working. She went to the bed and lay on her side facing her back to Aashrit.

Not even a minute and she saw the lights closing and felt movement on the bed. She turned and saw Aashrit collecting laptop from the bed as he already turned off the lights.

"Where are you going?" These words left her mouth without even her knowing.

Aashrit was also shocked upon hearing her. He didn't expect her to question anything but just lying down and sleep. He quickly covered from the shock.

"Your sleep would be disturbed by the lights. I would go sit on the couch and work there. You can sleep peacefully." He said pointing towards the section of the room which had a couch and T.V. covered with glass and curtains.

Meera was always scared of staying in the dark alone. She didn't know how to let him know about this. She knew she wouldn't be able to sleep alone when darkness was surrounding her.

"It's fine. I have a habit of sleeping with lights on." Meera said trying to stop him from going away.

"You sure?" He questioned

Meera nodded and he didn't ask any more questions and settled beside her and she looked at him.

"Thank you." She said looking at him.

He looked back at her unsure about what she was thanking him for while she continued " For the gifts. I really liked them" She completed.

He nodded at her and she turned her back to him.

After about 10 minutes, Aashrit looked at her and found her out like a light. Suddenly, she turned and Aashrit looked at his laptop in a hurry scared if she had seen him looking at her. After no movement from her for some time, he looked back at her and his heart fluttered seeing her long lashes lying perfectly on her cheeks and her lips pouting. Some small locks were falling on her forehead which was accentuating her beauty.

His fingers unconsciously moved and brushed the locks from her face. His fingers shivered on feeling her soft skin under his fingers. His eyes raked her face with utmost purity. He had no other thought in his mind except the fact of how beautiful she is.

He took a deep breath and pulled back his hand. And focused back on his work. He put one hand on the bed while scrolling the document with his other one. No matter how hard he tried to focus it was hard for him to do so. His eyes were forcing him to look back at her again again. His eyes didn't seem to satisfy with looking at her.

He looked at her and suddenly his hand was held by her. His eyes looked at hers and found her still in deep sleep. Her unconscious touch made his heart beat fast, and he held her hand tightly.

"Looks like I can't work tonight." He thought while putting his laptop beside him turning off the lights and lying down on the bed while facing her and holding her hand. He looked at her, brought their joined hand in front of his eyes, and looked at them with utmost concentration. He saw how her hand fit so well in his hand. It looked like they were made for each other only. He traced her fingers with his. He took his phone from the bedside and took a picture of it while putting it on his wallpaper. He didn't realize when he went to sleep while looking at their joined hands.


Meera's eyes opened with the blaring of her alarm. She woke up and found herself alone in the room. She didn't give it much thought and went for her morning routine. Soon after she got ready in an anarkali suit and decided to go downstairs.

As she was walking downstairs, she saw everyone already in the hall. Suddenly her eyes caught Revati and Shivansh looking at something behind her while giggling. With curiosity in her eyes, she turned back and missed a step.

"Bhabhi" Abhishek shouted seeing her trippig which gained everyone's attention.

Meera tripped and was about to fall when she felt someone holding her hand and pulling her up. Her hands unknowingly wrapped around the neck of the person while taking deep breaths. She looked up only to find her husband holding her by the waist with a worried look on his face. Her chest heaves up and down with fear while she is still holding him for her dear life.

"Are you hurt?" He asked and she realized their position.

"No. Thanks " She said and took her hands back to turn around.

As she was about to walk Aashrit held her hand in his. Meera looked at him shocked but he was unfazed and just walked downstairs with her hand in his. Her face got red on seeing the reaction of his family but he was unfazed he left her hand once they reached the dining room. The younger ones were ready to tease them when Aashrit spoke.

"I thought about unblocking your credit card Shiv ." He said looking directly at his younger brother who understood the hidden meaning behind his words and controlled his tongue before it could utter something that might lead him to trouble.

"Today's kids have no shame. Holding hands in front of elders." Nalini said looking at Meera with stinky eyes.

Meera noticed the disgusted look on her face and she felt bad. The fact that someone is hating her didn't settle well with her. She was about to apologize when her mother-in-law spoke

"Aww, my children were looking so cute right now," Rashmi said giggling at the cuteness they just showed.

"I never expected this from Aashrit," Darsh said laughing making others laugh too.

And among the positivity of her in-laws, the words of Nalini got lost somewhere.

Later in the evening, Meera was in her room playing with jugnu while Aashrit was in his home office. Meera was sharing everything with jugnu when he suddenly jumped out of her lap and went straight onto the bed making Meera horrified.

"Jugnu no!!! It's not ours." She shouted.

She tried to get him down from the bed but he was quite enjoying it making it hard for her. She was continuously looking at the door scared that Aashrit had come inside.

And maybe today luck was not on her side and the door opened revealing Aashrit. Aashrit's eyes caught Meera and then Jugnu.

"I am sorry. I'll clean it." She said frantically not even giving him time to react.

Aashrit looked at the situation and understood what she might be thinking. "No worries! I also have a pet dog. It's nothing new for me." He assured her.

On hearing Aashrit's voice, Jugnu's happy voice was suppressed. He looked at Aashrit and made a sprint towards him. Meera's eyes went wide thinking the worst.

Jugnu jumped upon Aashrit and started licking him and nuzzling his nose in his neck, shocking Meera

"Ye kab hua?" Meera said still shocked. (When did this happen?)


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