Chapter 7: The Expedition

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Worldbuilding: Mintauria

Northwest of the outer edge of the Rontak Empire is a land called Mintauria. Separated from the Rontak Empire by the dense Rogh'Hack Forest and from the Northern Elven Kingdoms by the towering Vushfall Mountains, Mintauria is mostly isolated from the rest of the Kraffnia continent.

Mintauria is full of hills, forests, and fertile land. Minotaurs native to the region follow a primarily herbivorous diet, supplemented by a small amount of meat. The fertile Mintaurian soil provides ample farmland for them to grow their food. However, Minotaurs are much larger than humans, and as such they require much more food to sustain themselves. Minotaurs spend most of their time farming and producing food.

Despite their formidable strength and endurance, Minotaurs are not naturally aggressive or warlike. Their internal culture is rather pacifistic. Minotaurs living in their homeland enjoy a peaceful agrarian lifestyle and conflict between tribes is rare. However, they will fight fiercely to protect their homes from outsider aggression.

Minotaurs from Mintauria generally have a low affinity for magic, but a medium affinity for life magic. This led to minotaurs developing an environmentalist mindset. Minotaurs use life magic to aid their farms, and to maintain and protect their vibrant natural forests. Some of those forests serve as important defensive barriers between Mintauria and the outside world.

Unfortunately for minotaurs, their size and strength make them highly sought after as slaves. The Rontak Empire routinely raids Mintauria through the Rogh'Hack Forest. The forest allows the minotaurs to take advantage of their close quarters combat advantage by setting up traps and ambushes. However, the Rontak Empire still manages to capture many minotaurs as slaves.

Slavers from across the western sea regularly raid the coasts of Mintauria and export minotaur slaves to the rest of the world beyond the Kraffnia continent. Only the most powerful slaver guilds can afford the upfront cost of attacking Mintauria, thanks to the minotaurs' combat prowess. Few slaves are worth more than minotaurs though, and a successful raid will bring wealth to all those who survive the endeavor.

Map of the Duremar Province

Map of the Duremar Province

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Chapter 7: The Expedition

June 28th, 2053

Duremar Plains, Fort Roanoke, 7:30 AM

Daniel was preparing for the expedition to Miretan to trade for Mithril. Miretan was roughly 350 kilometers southwest of Fort Roanoke. They were going extremely deep into uncharted enemy territory. If something went wrong, they wouldn't have any support.

Daniel knew this was a highly dangerous mission, but also an incredibly important one. If the 4th Deep Recon Team didn't bring back mithril, they would have no way of defending New York City, and the rest of the country for that matter, against demonic entities. Daniel knew his mission had to succeed, no matter the cost.

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