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Just a quick a/n to say THANK YOU FOR 1k READS ON MY STORY😭 I never thought that 1k people are still searching for hxh fics, let me start the story because this is probably going to be my favorite part of it!

Killuas pov:

"Killuas getting adopted!"

While the other children cheered, I don't even know why because most of them don't even know my name. I was sent into a coughing fit, does she even know my birthday? It's only been one month! Not two..So just to get this straight, this woman picked a child up outta nowhere, put me in an 'orphanage', and then give me only THREE MONTHS of living before giving me away to the demons.yep,seems about on point of what happened since I opened that book. Since it was already dinner,by the time  we were done eating I would have to pack up my stuff. Way to throw off the whole escape plan thing.

Exactly how it was stated earlier, once everyone was done eating Isabella came up to me and gave me a suit and suitcase.She told me to bring everything I found valuable, she also said I could bring my backpack instead. I had a total of 30 minutes to get everything, I decided to bring both the suitcase and my backpack. After all, I'm not leaving MY clothes, MY amazing outfit, in this MUSTY place. That's the only thing that took me a bit to do because this old ass hag wanted to HIDE my clothes from me. But I collected everything,put it into my six-strap backpack, put my clothes into the suitcase, and told Isabella I was ready.

"Are you excited?" She had a smile on her face like if she was not about to attempt to have me eaten by a fucking demon. "Yes and no" I mean, I don't wanna be fed to a demon, but I don't wanna spend another day in this stinky hellhole. She did not say anything after that, I don't think I would ether,though I also would not be feeding children to demons. Or maybe the other way around, atleast in this case of course.


I stood at the door, aloof expression on my face. "Bye killua!" They all said in unison, it reminded me of all the times they used this creepy ass unison talking thing with Isabella a lot. Without further interaction with anyone else because no one really knew me, Isabella opened the door for me. The cold air blasted me in my face, before Isabella shut the door I could literally feel the sadness from Emma and Phil. But then it hit me, "I FORGOT MY SLATEBOARD LET ME GO BACK" before I even turned around this mother fucker just said "don't worry, I'll mail it to you, just focus on the path ahead" fuck no. Well that's what I would've said if we weren't already at the damn gate.The gate opened on its own, and I don't even wanna question it at this point. It was just the place where I started when I fell, inside there was a even older hag and a ugly ass demon with long fingers. 

Let's just skip the talking here cause I don't know what they say before killing somone and I'm to lazy to go back to when they killed krone

After they were done talking the 100 year old hag and Isabella left, so I was alone with the now laughing demon. It mumbled something before coming closer to me, since it was unable to use bloodlust I actually felt like there was no danger. It probably can die if I hit it with nen but I'll just stab the thing my hand when sharp and I rushed towards this thing. Before it could register that I was faster AND charging towards it instead of the other way around.I dashed behind the demon, this dumb oaf has no fighting experience, I don't blame it though,since it has only killed untrained kids.

It looked left and right, (at the same time?) sniffing the air to try to find my sent. Thanks to the younger kids who tried to literally dog pile me it easily picked up on my sent and wiped its head around. This is to easy it's 3 eyes narrowed as it is now keeping track of my speed, probably assuming that it's brain is messing with it or that it thinks speed is my only attribute. Then, it pulled a white flower out of nowhere im going to steer clear of that yeah, I'm immune to poison, which it has a 78.3% chance of being poisonous. However, this is a different word then mine and things could be ALOT stronger than they look.

It's long fingers started having seizures? You know I was gonna take my time since it's been boring here but I think I'm going to do this world a favor and end it as quick as possible. That is exactly what I did,  I bolted behind it but instead of waiting for it to turn I jumped up onto its back. I ran up the crooked spine  as my right hand turned sharp. Soon, pretty much before it could even begin to process what I was doing my hand pierced it's skull. Since my hand did not get as far as to damage its mask thing, I ripped it off of its head (which by the way it looked disgusting without it) and took it for a trophy, or just something to remind me of this horrid experience here.

I swiftly and quietly jumped off the thing before it fell. The loud thud probably made the other demons waiting think it killed me instead HA take that clowns I feel like this guy would have had a better time with a career of a clown. I heard large ass footsteps so I hurled myself towards the corner and left though the crack of the gate. Oh it's that wall thingy I still had all my stuff so instead of giving Isabella a heart attack I went towards the wall. Oh yeah, me and Emma read the note Norman left for us a month ago. I know I can cross it using nen anyway but still, actually I think if I was near the side I could survive that fall.

I activated Godspeed for the first time in a long 3 months. Time to test out my ability I just thought of I pushed all the men to my feet like if I was doing that high jump at greed island. Before launching I angled myself at a 55• angle, then sparked my nen at my feet to be lighting. Then sprang up, using the electricity as both a cool trail and extra momentum.
"AA@AA@AAÆ" what? You thought I was gonna yell out some new cool nickname for a my cool jump? Nah, but instead my new move worked so well I crashed right into a fucking tree at light speed.But hey, atleast I did not fall?

1225 words

Ehehe I'm leaving off right here! Again thank you for 1k reads and have a great rest of your day/night, you are now free from any nightmares and sleep paralysis tonight😼

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