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Pretty soon I found myself on a plane going home to Russia. I had nowhere else to go and if anything they would put me out of my misery. I knew Ghost and they would be frantically looking for me, probably found my phone by now. At the airport, I was greeted by some of my brother's men.

"Y/N, it's been so long!" My brother held open his arms to me.

I stood quiet.

"I see you finally decided to return home!" My brother dropped his arms. "You've made a grave mistake in doing so."

I continued to say nothing. Preparing myself for the worst.

"I could have you killed and it would be justified." My brother waved to one of his men. "But I merciful after all."

I wanted to laugh. My brother, merciful? I've seen him kill men for just looking at him.

"You will undergo rehabilitation and rejoin the ranks." My brother snapped his finger and his men grabbed me.

My blood ran cold, I knew what this meant. I rather him kill me than this. I wanted to scream but that would give him the satisfaction of seeing fear.

"Oh and those little mutts of yours." My brother's words reached my ear as I was being dragged away. "We're going to kill them."

I was stripped and thrown into a dark cell, the cold air biting at my bare skin.  I thought of Ghost.


He was what kept me going through the endless torture. 

"Next!" I was shoved down the line.

I had spent maybe a month in hell, being beaten, starved, anything possible. 

"Hold her down." The man with the branding iron motioned to the men to hold me down.

"No!" I screamed as I was forced down, hot metal meeting my skin. I knew better than to scream but I did anyway, getting a fist to the mouth.

"Next!" I was yanked to my feet and shoved back into my cell.

I whimpered as my skin lost feeling. 

"Y/N!" Aleksei approched my cell. "You look like shit, my dear." 

I said nothing, I had learned to keep my mouth shut in here unless I wanted some type of torment.  

"Are you ready to reenter the force?" Aleksei opened my cell. "Come we have your first assignment."

-Months later.-

I had fallen back into old habits, becoming once again a cold-hearted killer. Some nights I would allow myself to think of what could have been if I had stayed with the 141. I wondered many nights if they were still alive, according to information passed around they were.

"Mission completed," I spoke into my com, leaving the sting of bodies behind me.

"Good, now relocate to point Bravo." 

I did as I was told, taking point on a snowy hill. I watched as a group of men made their way through the snow. Their movements are all too familiar. I swallowed hard as they moved closer. 

"Your objective, kill them." The voice on my coms was almost laughing.

This was my brother's final torment. It had been almost a year now since I had last seen them. Would they recognize me? I didn't want them to see what I had become. The hurt when they realized I had come home to the enemy. Not like I had much choice, it was to keep them safe.

I followed them, stalking them like they were prey. I was ordered to kill them, but I wouldn't. I would have them fire first, maybe Ghost would still follow through on our promise to kill me if I fell into the hands of Russia.

I become deep in thought, not paying attention to my surroundings when a hand around my throat caused me to snap out of it.

"Move and I kill you." That familiar voice shouldn't have been as comforting as it was.

Just like old times. 

A flashlight was shone in my face and I could hear the breath hitching in everyone's throat.

"No fucking way." Soap stared at me as if seeing a ghost.

"Y/n.." Ghost hand dropped from my throat. 

I didn't say anything, I just stood there. So much for having them shoot first. 

"You're working with the Russians again?" Price looked so hurt.

"I didn't have much of a choice. You all were in harm's way because of me." I finally spoke, my voice sounding like it was from somebody else.

"Fuck this." Ghost put his gun to my back and once again I was taken prisoner by 141.

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