Chapter 6

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Nya was trying to calm down by playing with her pen while miss Kenyon was explaining new subject matter. She glared every moment at Oliver when teacher wasn't looking. She felt a little better when she saw him flinch in fear. She smiles and starts to copy their blackboard.

Today they were talking about the history of Ninjago. Nya thought it was a one big lie. Seriously how could someone sane tell the children that the people of Ninjago were in war with snakes? It's just a story for children when they don't cooperate with their parents.

Nya sighed and looked at her classmate on her right.

Girl with silver hair and tufts blue eyes looked at her back. She raised her eyebrow questioningly. Nya shrugged and the girl chuckled. "Is there something funny, miss Whitehouse?" Teacher says annoyed. Her cold eyes widened. "No! I was just... uhm... remembering something from history?" Miss Kenyon shook her head. But she started to ignore her again.

The girl sighed in relief and glared at Nya.

"Are you trying to get me in trouble?" the hoary girl asked with little smile on her face. Brunette grins at her and whispers back "No I am just bored, how is it going?". The girl next to her rolls her eyes playfully and gives her thumbs up. Nya snorts for a sec.

"Nya Smith! Grace Whitehouse!" yells the teacher again.

"Sorry miss!" says both of them giggling quietly. And they started to pay attention again.


Nya stood in front her locker and grabbed her books for the next class. Grace wasn't that far away, and she walked up to her. "Hey, girl!" Nya smiled. "Hi, Grace. Ready for another class?" Grace raises her eyebrow. "Since when I am?" Nya had to laugh at that. "That's a good point!" She continues to laugh. The hoary girl soon joined her but soon sighed. Nya slowly stopped. "Is something the matter?" Grace started to play with her fingers, and she reminded her Lloyd when he is nervous. "Well... I was just wondering... if it's true what people say?" she asks and looks her straight in her eyes.

Nya narrowed her eyes. "What are people saying about me?" she growls through her teeth. She just couldn't believe it! Why can't people just mind their own business! Grace sighed slowly "That you adopt son of Lord Garmadon?" she asks worried. The brunette blinks. That's what everyone is talking about? Seriously people need to get a life. "Yes, Kai found him on the street not that long ago. We just couldn't leave him there." She crosses he arms sternly.

Grace widened her eyes and showed her arms in surrender. "I am sorry! I didn't mean it like that! I was just worried about you! His father is an evil being and I just wanted to make sure you are okay, and he didn't do anything...."

The brunette just smiled and put her hand on her shoulder and looked into her eyes. "Lloyd is a sweetheart. He may act sometimes like a little devil but the worst thing he ever done is that he threw a food at my face." She laughs. Her friend soon joined, and Nya told her more about Lloyd and his cute and mostly annoying but still cute pranks on her.

The bell rang and both laughing girls started to run to their next class.

If Nya kicked Oliver on the leg on the way to her desk, no one would ever know.


After a very long day the school ended, Nya couldn't wait to see her brothers. She especially wanted to talk to Lloyd again, he is really adorable when he is planning the big prank for Kai. Oh, she will enjoy that.

"Nya, wait!" The brunette looked behind and saw her good friend running after her. She ran up to her and started panting in exhaustion. "Oh hi, Grace. Are you okay?" she smiles playfully. "Yeah... I should probably start to workout again." She laughs and Nya joined her. "Well, I think you can join me and Lloyd pranking Kai tonight. It's Friday so Kai won't have any issues with you staying through the night." Nya offers with smirk. The hoary girl also smirked, oh she wouldn't miss this for a world.

It didn't take them too much time to get to Blacksmith shop. And the first thing Nya saw was Lloyd hiding behind fence with spyglass.

Nya put her finger on her mouth to make Grace quiet for a bit. Grace was confused but stayed quiet and turned her attention to the little blond boy. The brunette slowly walked up to him and from behind picked him up. Lloyd yelped in surprise "Kai!!" and yelled in fear. Nya hugged him. "Sorry, Banana. It's just me." Lloyd looked at her and for a second stayed still. But he hugged her in hurry around her neck. "Never do that again!" he pouts. Nya laughs but soon smiles nervously when she sees Grace's pale face.

Her big brother was just behind her, and he wasn't happy. "Nya... what did I tell you about this?" The brunette had crossed arms and was doing his famous big brother strict look. Nya smiles nervously at her brother. "Sorry, bro. But I couldn't resist." Kai shook his head but ruffled her a Lloyd's hair in playful manner. "You ok, Butter cup?" Little blond boy nodded and turned his head to look at Grace. His eyes widened in fear.

Grace noticed his reaction immediately and showed him she did not have any weapon. Kai noticed her "Hi, Grace. How are you?" He smiles at her. "I am great, thanks... Well, you weren't lying about him." Nya smiles at her. "Yeah, It's a new thing for us all. Anyway, Lloyd this is Grace she is my friend from school." Lloyd narrowed his red eyes at her. Kai raised his eyebrow at him. Lloyd flinched and waved a little. Grace smiled at him warmly. "He is very cute." She giggles. Kai and Nya looked at each other and laugh. "That he is."


After Grace met Lloyd, Nya and she went to her room to do their thing.

Lloyd was confused. Why was this girl in their house? And why is Nya happy with her? He couldn't help but felt left out. He thought she would spend some time with him, and she would tell him more about her school! She even took her dinner to her room.

The teen was watching Lloyd for five minutes and he almost didn't touch his food. Now don't get him wrong he knows he is not the best chef, but it always was enough. Not to mention he made pancakes tonight. He had a good deal that day, so he used the extra money to buy things for pancakes.

He sighed and put his fork down. "Ok what is it, Butter cup?"

The blonde looked at his big brother in surprise. "What?" The brunette raised his eyebrow. "You hardly touch your food and it's sweet." He said matter of factly. Lloyd started to play with his fingers. "..." Kai got up from his place and sat down next to him. "Lloyd?" The little kid sighed and turned his eyes to the brunette "It's just... I thought Nya will spend some time with me today, but the girl came with her..." he crossed his arms in annoyance. Kai laughs a little "Don't worry, little bro. She will talk to you soon, but you must understand that Nya is an extroverted girl. She likes to spend her time also with her friends. Especially her own gender, I am a boy who raised her, and I couldn't talk to her about girl stuff because I couldn't understand them. But she knows Grace since kindergarten. She trusts her and I do too."

Lloyd looked confused. "What girl stuff?" Kai gulped nervously "I rather not talk about it. I was really embarrassed when I had to take care of that thing..." "You were embarrassed?" He smirked. Kai blinks and laughs. "You little, Gremblin!" he smirks and starts to chase laughing Lloyd around the room.

What Kai didn't know that in the next few minutes he will have to take a shower because slime will be all over his head and clothes. And two girls giggling one recording and the other eating popcorn that she got who knows where.

Another chaotic day at Smith's house. Lloyd really got attached to Grace in the moment when she started to record everything and sent it to Nya for safe keeping from Kai.

Hello!! the next chapter is finally here and i am really sorry for the long wait but i had exams and i wanted to think of the next steps of this story. :D I sure have some ideas but you will know about that at the right time ^^ 

And what do you think about our new OC? :3 

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