Ch:02 ➶Echoes in the Halls

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Present Day: (age 16)

My heels echoed through the marble halls of Eldora Academy, a place where prestige permeated every inch of the ivy-covered walls. In the sanctuary of academia, where privilege and intellect danced hand in hand, I found myself navigating the labyrinth of grandeur. The morning sunlight streamed through stained glass windows, casting a kaleidoscope of colors on the polished floors. The halls, echoing through generations of legacy and tradition.

Eldora Academy, a bastion of the elite, held its secrets close, guarded by the statuesque busts of esteemed figures lining the corridors. The hallowed library, with its ancient tomes and leather-bound wisdom, seemed to breathe with the weight of accumulated knowledge.

The students, clad in impeccable uniforms, In the hallowed halls of Eldora Academy, the attire worn by students was a testament to the school's commitment to tradition and excellence. As I navigated through the grandeur of this elite institution, the uniforms worn by my peers were more than mere garments; they were symbols of a storied legacy. In those uniforms, we were not just students; we were custodians of a tradition that spanned generations, a living testament to the enduring legacy of Eldora Academy.

Bathed in the golden glow of the afternoon sun, I spot my bestfriends gathered at our favorite spot beneath the sprawling oak tree. lily, with her vibrant personality and ever-present laughter, Ava, contemplative artist, and Elena, the calm and collected with a perpetual twinkle in her eye.

As I approached, the trio looked up, faces breaking into smiles that mirrored the warmth of the day.

"Adriana, darling, you're fashionably late as always," teased Elena, her eyes sparkling mischievously.

Ava chuckled softly, her sketchbook nestled in her lap. "She's probably been watching Thalia Bayard's every move so she pull her flabby arse down the social ladder."

"As if I'd ever waste my valuable second on her," I scoffed with an air of disdain, my gaze sweeping across the room until it landed on Thalia, flanked by her loyal sidekicks Zephyrine and libby. Their presence, like an entourage of shadows, seemed to amplify the calculated coolness that emanated from me., carefully arranging myself as I gracefully took a seat beside them. My movements were calculated, mindful of the pristine condition of my skirt. After all, heaven forbid someone catches a glimpse of my clothes anything less than impeccable; who knows what they'll say.

 As I settled into my place, surrounded by an aura of self-assuredness, it became evident that in this social chess game, I held the upper hand. Thalia and her cohorts were mere pawns, their attempts to infiltrate my world met with an impenetrable barrier of disdain.

My posture exuded an effortless elegance, and my eyes, adorned with a subtle air of indifference, scanned the surroundings as if the mere act of acknowledging her presence was beneath me. A prissy princess, meticulously guarding the image that preceded me, I kept my distance, allowing an invisible barrier of superiority to manifest.

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