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"Damn mama" Trevante held sevyn hair back as she threw up in the toilet, its 3am and she jumped out of bed he heard her and quickly followed behind her

"I hate this so much!"she cried as Trevante sighed, he reached over grabbing some tissue so she could wipe her mouth

"I know baby I'm sorry come on" he helped her stand up and flushed the toilet, he let her walk to the sink so she could rinse her mouth out and brush her teeth

"I just wanna sleep" she whined grabbing her tooth brush, she just hit her 6th week of her pregnancy and she's been having morning sickness a lot. She hasn't told anybody expect dj that she's pregnant, her mom has been very suspicious of how much sevyn has been in the house and telling everyone she's just sick

"I know come on" she turned the water off sitting her tooth brush down, she walked to the bed climbing inside laying down. Trevante grabbed a trash can and placed it by her side of the bed he hated the way she was feeling it was nothing he could do

"Your appointment in a few hours you gotta get some sleep ok" he leaned down kissing her stomach, it was nothing there but Trevante never let a day go by where he didn't kiss her stomach

"I love you" sevyn said grabbing his arm pulling him up letting him lay behind her

"I love you more mama" he rubbed her stomach until she fell asleep.

He woke her up at 9am because her appointment was at 11:15, it was an easy wake up because she didn't feel sick which made her happy. It was her first real appointment she was excited but Trevante was nervous he didn't know why

"Sevyn stay on your side of the closet " Trevante mumbled watching his short girlfriend going through his clothes

"No! I wanna wear your clothes !" She stuck her tongue out at him, he decided not to argue with her because she was in a good mood. She didn't see anything she liked on his side so she went back to her side grabbing a green matching sweatsuit. Trevante was already dressed and ready of course but sevyn was taking her time

"Are you rushing me in your head?" She asked him as she pulled her pants up, Trevante deciding to lie of course saying no

"Your lying but ok" she finished putting her clothes on and looked in the mirror, Trevante sat behind her reaching his hand out to cuff her ass

"Heavy as fuck" he said gripping it, she slapped his hand away shaking her head ignoring his eyes that followed her to the bathroom. She came out five minutes later with her hair half up and half down

"You look beautiful " he smiled watching her blush, she walked over throwing her arms around his neck pecking his lips.

"Let's go because i wanna stop at Starbucks!" She stood up grabbing her phone, lately the one thing she's been obsessed with is a large ice water and the Double Smoked Bacon, Cheddar & Egg Sandwich. She craved it daily and Trevante makes sure she gets it, it's the one thing that doesn't make her throw up

"Dj we'll be back" Trevante opened the door seeing Dj laying on his bed watching Friday he was dying laughing at it

"Ok can yall bring me back something to eat?" Dj asked as sevyn walked into the room

"Yes we can or we will send you some money to order something! Make sure you clean your bathroom and I'm serious don't make me bite you!" Sevyn pointed her finger at dj who made a yikes face

"I will do it right now" he stood up holding his hands up in surrender, him and Trevante had a made a deal not to get on sevyn bad side because it the one time they both pissed her off in the same day they got the silent treatment and no food they weren't gonna do that again

 𝐃𝐅𝐌𝐔 | 𝐀𝐫𝐢 𝐅𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now