Imagine 23: Trouble Trouble🤫 (Lost Boys x Valerie x Jay)

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pairing: Lost Boys x Valerie x Jay

summary: *bored, Marko says to the others that they should prank Max the head vampire. So Paul, Jay, Marko, and Valerie decide to do it. ONLY for it to lead to trouble in the end*

Valerie: ValerieWinks777

Jay: Tired4rtist

*Jay's POV*

I sit with a handful of Poker cards, playing against a girl named Valerie who sits in front of me.
She's got this worried look on her face...probably because she's gonna lose this round.
Haha, alright.
"Okay Val," I throw some chips in, "I raise the stakes. You in?"
She bites her nail. "Mmm, I don't know..." she murmurs, before exhaling and throwing some chips in.
Hmm, do I dare raise higher?
I smirk. "Alright, whoever loses has to do the winners chores for a week."
She purses her lips, before nodding.
This win is mine!
I show her my cards. "Four Aces! I win I win! I-"
She shows me her cards. "Straight Flush," she smirks, before pulling all the chips to her.
(A/N, I have NO idea what the rules are for Poker😂 forgive me if I messed anything up!)
I literally drop to my knees. "You cheated!"
"No way!" she says before we start to argue.
Paul, who finishes his smoke, rolls his eyes and comes towards us.
"Come on guys, break it up."
"But she cheated!" I exclaim, before I feel Paul's hand ruffle with my hair.
"Better luck next time, little bro," he laughs.
I seriously wanna shape shift into a dog and bite him.
Marko comes into the corner of the cave that were in, and plops down beside us.
"Guys, I'm so bored."
"Right? I feel that," Valerie lays beside him, playing with Marko's hair, which he both hates and likes.
She doesn't visit us much, but its always cool when she does.
"Where's David?" I ask.
Paul shrugs. "I don't know, said he had to go out of Santa Carla for some stuff along with Dwayne."
"Wait..." Marko stands on a table, "so that means we're ALONE?!"
I furrow my brow. "Uh,"
Marko jumps down. "Dude! Let's go out and cause diaster!"
"Like what?" Valerie stands up, folding her arms.
Marko smirks. "Let's go to the store. We'll need a LOT of toilet paper, some spray cans, and a box of green dye." He laughs evil like before running outside.
Ooh, whatever he has in mind, it sounds too fun to turn down!
I run outside along with Paul and Valerie, and we all climb on our bikes and follow Marko.


"Are you kidding me?!" I whisper shout, "were gonna prank Max?!"
Max as in, Head Vampire, as in BIG TIME vampire?!
Marko nods. "This is gonna be awesome," he laughs evil like, "Valerie, go call Thorn. Me and Jay are gonna T. P. his house. Paul?" he tosses him some spray cans, "go spray paint something pretty for him on his house."
Dude, we are sooo playing with fire.
But, I don't stop it!
I run with Marko and spread toilet paper in the trees, on his car, his bushes, every square inch of his house.
Me and Marko have to fight back outbursts of laughter before Paul comes back.
"Its done," he winks.
We laugh quietly, running towards the bushes to find Valerie with her hands covered in green dye.
"We'll be in deep shit if he finds us!" Valerie giggles.
Paul shushes her, grabbing a water balloon full of paint, and throwing it at Max's window, which wakes him up and has him storming outside, only to see his entire yard covered in toilet paper.
Me and the others are practically holding our sides from splitting.
He's furious, storming back and forth, shouting insults out in the air, unaware of where were hiding.
That is, until, Paul snaps a twig.
Suddenly, we're all four lifted into the air and thrown in front of Max's feet.
He literally looks like he wants to murder us, his eyes are blazing with fury, and his hands are clenched.
"Hello, Paul," he says, slowly, "and Marko, and Jay, and Valerie."
When he says our names slow, we know...
I look at Val. "We're in BAAAAAD trouble now."

*Couple hours later*

We were forced to sit on Max's couch as he paced in front of us, yelling in his deep vampire voice to scare us even more.
It even got worse at one point when he found out about Paul's artwork on the side of his house.
A doodle of him, with women's breasts...and stink lines forming around him.
Finally, he called for David, and when David walked in, we knew for sure that this isn't gonna end pretty.
His eyes glared at us, his hands clenched at his sides.
He looks like he wants to blow.
Whenever he looks like that, its when Max SERIOUSLY chews him out.
He raises a hand. "You four. OUTSIDE. NOW!" he yells.
We immediately get up and run out with him and Max trailing behind us.
We stand on the messy lawn, hands behind our back.
"We're sorry," Valerie says, but its not enough.
David walks up and strips us of our keys, and wallets, and our phones.
"You four are grounded for three months. No leaving the cave unless you need to eat, is that understood?!"
Paul grumbles under his breath about David being Max's pet, and it only gets worse.
"For that, no TV or radio for three months."
"WHAT?!" We all look at Paul. "DAMN YOU!"
"NOT TRUE!" Marko shouts, before David yells at us to shut up.
And it was then...that Max's dog Thorn walks out.
His hair has been completely dyed green.
Oh crap.
I look at Valerie, whose eyes widen.
"Get. Them. OUT OF HERE!" Max screams.
David snaps his fingers, and we're all forced onto our bikes and driving home.

*At the cave*

I pace the floor, hands behind my back.
We're freaking locked in the Punishment Room!
No matter how much noise we've made, or begging we've done, David won't open up.
I sit down, face in my hands.
"Thanks a lot Marko!" Valerie throws a pillow at his head.
Suddenly, the door opens, and we see Dwayne holding an ice cream.
Instantly, our hearts sink.
We got grounded on Dessert Day?!!
Dwayne smirks, licking his ice cream before slowly closing the door behind him, intentionally torturing us.

thanks for reading!!!

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