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I took all the countries into my office and prepared to have this talk.

"So, there are some rules as I'm guessing you will be staying here for a bit." I start, receiving four nods.

"1. All the States have trauma from...past events. Some of them do not like Britain and France.

2. Don't be disrespectful. If you do something to one of them, the rest will jump you

3. Don't enter any of their rooms and be aware of your surroundings

4. Don't bring up the Civil War. It's a touchy topic unless Dixie or one of the southern states brings it up."

"What did I do?" France asked.

"The uh Louisiana purchase." I replied. Frances eyes widened.

"Wait - what they weren't personified!" She exclaimed.

"They did right as you sold them, so they have some memory of you. Some don't care, but some are mad about it." I explained.

"What's that?" New Zealand asked.

"I sold a big part of land to America in 1803." France supplied.

"America is Dixie, the same guy who asked me and France to aid and recognize him as a country in 1861?" Britain questioned. I nodded. Britain sighed out loud. "Does he still support you now..."

"No." I replied.

"That's good." Britain whispered. 

"Though don't hold anything against him, he was under a haze." I stated. 

"Oh..." New Zealand sighed aloud. 

"America, can i invite Canada over?" Australia asked hesitantly. 

"I don't really see a problem with it by next week. Every country will know about the states." I answered while shrugging. 

"Ok, im going to go call him..." Australia said as he walked back out of my office and into the hall.

"Do they uh thirteen dislike me?" Britain asked

"Yes... some also have strong feelings towards Canada asswell from 1812." I responded

"Dang, yall got a lot of drama with these states." New Zealand said as France and Britain rolled their eyes

"Canada is coming, and he said that he might bring Ukraine for uh support he says?" Australia announced ehile entering the office.

"Are they a thing?" New Zealand started to ask

"Shut up, NZ!" Australia laughed

"Honestly, who else do you think is going to come along?" France questioned the group.

"Probably some other Slavic cuntrys." Britain answered. I started to scream internally.

" amazing..." I sighed

"It'll be like a party!" Australia announced.

"I gotta go check on them. I don't trust them alone." I muttered

"Isn't Dixie with them?" France asked

"He is praticly a child, and they can overpower him thanks to the older states."

<Confederate pov>

I am sitting on the couch sipping some sweet tea listening to the protest behind me.

That consisted of:

Delaware< WHAT DO WE WANT?


50 kids and A Oil addict Dad!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora