Bed Servant

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Evellyn felt her body gradually getting colder, forcing her to wake up from her deep slumber.

When she opened her eyes, she saw an unusual dim light over her.

In confusion, she slowly moved and sat up. Although her eyes were still hazy from her sleep, she was certain she was not in her room.

It was an unfamiliar, spacious vacant room.

She gently rubbed her eyes and she realized that it was her golden hair that was making a dim light over her. With the help of the glimmer of her hair, she was able to slightly discern where she was.

However, a sudden surge of emotions rushed inside her head, overwhelming her, and causing her to slowly move back toward the corner and curl down.

Unfamiliar feelings began to emerge inside her and flow out like an endless torrent.

Despair ...

Remorse ...

Vulnerable ...

Desolation ...

Fear and Rage ...

She felt all these at the same time. Even her body was shivering as a reaction to these emotions hammering inside her.

Evelyn curled up like a ball, refusing to lift her head, trying her best to hide and suppress it between her arms and legs.

Out of nowhere, she heard someone calling her in the darkness.


"My little Vee?"

Her pet name echoed and she suddenly recognized her grandmother's voice.

She lifted her head and all of a sudden only the longing remained inside her heart.

"Grandma?" She asked.

A moment later, a voice echoed inside the room.

"My dearest Vee, always remember... don't fail your grandmother, darling."

"Grandma, is that you?" She asked again.

Evellyn tried following the voice even though she could only see darkness.

"Grandma! Where are you?!"

She called again.

However, this time only silence replied to her.

Suddenly, strange voices came out of nowhere.

Shrills of furious and delirious men.

Women wailing out their sadness, regret, and pain.

And children's soft weeps and chattering teeth.

Every end of her hair stood up, listening to these dreadful noises that gradually got louder and louder.

She could even feel like they were right beside her, complaining to her.

"Who is it? Stop it! I command you."

With great difficulty, she screamed with one breath.

Unable to endure the earsplitting noises, Evelyn cupped her hands to her ears.

Suddenly, the noise died down and a complete silence enveloped the room once again.

Yet, she felt danger looming over her, every end of her hair stood straight.

She raised her head and a pair of scarlet eyes met hers, staring menacingly at her.

She fell on her knees in alarm.

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