Chapter Twenty Five.) I Ship It

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Just a few more chapters! ;)


"What's going on?" Keith demands as he practically breaks the door off its hinges. Tyler and Blu are bent over a computer screen as Tyler types away, a stressed look on his face.

Blu lets out a shaky breath. "Um, I think we're in trouble."

"Why?" I asked.

I jump as Tyler suddenly throws the keyboard across the room and rubs his face in frustration. He runs his hands through his hair a couple of times as he freaks out.

"Okay, it's really bad if Tyler just got angry because Tyler never gets angry." I move to where Tyler is hunched over on the table and hug him from behind, wrapping my arms around his shoulder. He doesn't move.

"Will somebody tell me what's happened?!" Keith shouts.

"James knows you were in his office."


Tyler sighs, rubbing his temples. "The security camera in the room wasn't completed disabled even though I checked to make sure it was. Somehow somebody knew we would be there and enabled the cameras again." He sighs again. "He knows you were there with Vanessa."

I gasp, a blush forming on my cheeks as I take in what he just said. James knows we were there, and if James knows, Tyler knows, and if Tyler knows then the rest of the gang know that... me and Keith...

Blu clears his throat.

"But how?" Keith demands. "How would somebody know we would be there? There's no way!"

"Maybe someone overheard?" I offered.

Angela gives me a flat look. "Who would here? We are the only ones in this house and we're miles away from the town. We're the only ones here for miles."

"Um," I scratched my head as I thought of a reasonable solution. "Maybe it was a bird!"

She rolls her eyes. "Now you're being ridiculous."

I let out a horrified gasp. "What if it was a traitorous pig looking for the cow queen so that he could take her in and murder her and take over the cow armada simply because he doesn't respect the moo and wants to take over the world with his own pig army!"


I shrugged. "Hey, it could happen."

Blu suddenly glared at me. "What if it was Vanessa who told?" he suggested, pinning a suspecting look at me.

"Me? Really?" I say in disbelief. "You really think I would tell? Who would I tell?"


"Vanessa wouldn't do that," Keith waved Blu off. I gave Blu a smug look.

"How do you know that? Oh wait," Blu says sarcastically. "Oh, right. It's because you kissed her."

Cue blush to intensify.

Tyler stiffens. Angela and Marco shift on their feet.

"Shut up," Keith snaps.

"No! Ever since Vanessa has been here, you haven't been the same!" Blu throws his hands in the air. "Our task was to finish James off, and ever since she's"-he pointed an accusing finger at me-"been here, it's taking longer than it should. If it wasn't for her, maybe James would have been dead by now!"

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