Chapter 48

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Anjali pursued her lips seeing them agitated.

"There is a patient here.Could you please leave?" Anjali rubbed her temples.

Arjun felt her heartache seeing the gauze in her hand and forehead.Just few days ago she got injured because of his younger brother.Now she got injured because of his carelessness.He clenched his fist when he thought of Anjali's trembling body in his arms.He know she was genuinely scared yesterday.Arjun was ashamed of himself for not preventing that before.

"Take rest" Arjun tucked her in bed and looked at the people in the ward.He suddenly felt that the room was bit crowded.He should make two of the shadow guards to stand in front of her ward not to letting anyone inside.Suddenly Ashok whispered something in Arjun's ear making the latter to frown.

"Let's go" He walked away from the ward.Seeing Aditya there,he know no one can disturb Anjali.

After Arjun left Anjali looked at Aditya.For a second Aditya saw Manushi in her.This was not the first time.Yesterday also he left the same.Strangely when Anjali called him 'Adi' he didn't get angry instead he felt that is natural.

Reyansh looked at Anjali,"How did you know the name 'Adi'?.Have you met Manushi before?"

Anjali didn't expect Reyansh to know about Manushi.Reyansh must be trusted by Aditya.Otherwise there is no way Aditya could talk about Manushi to everyone.

"How do you know about Manushi?" Instead of answering him,she questioned him.

"Iam her fiancee" Reyansh replied.

Anjali eyes widened in shock," What nonsense are you saying?You are Manushi's fiancee.Ha,Why didn't I know about that?"

Reyansh smiled playfully,"Why should you know?"

"That's because Iam Ma..Iam her friend" Anjali almost spill the beans.

"Then you are not close enough to know that" Reyansh messed her hair.

"You" Anjali pouted her lips.

"Stop teasing her" Aditya turned to Anjali and combed her hair with his hand,"Sleep for a while"

Anjali nodded happily and closed her eyes.

Aditya signaled Reyansh to come out.Once they are out Aditya gave him a single strand of Anjali hair,"Send it to the laboratory.Compare Manushi's DNA with Anjali's"

Reyansh felt complicated ,"Are you still doubting that Manushi might have done plastic surgery and pretending like Anjali?"

Aditya eyes teared,"I don't know,but I don't want to lose any chance"

Reyansh sighed helplessly,"I will ask them to do it.You will get the result within a day"

Reyansh patted his shoulder and left.

Aditya didn't believe that Anjali and Manushi were friends.He knows she was lying.If she was lying then how she know everything about Manushi,unless she is Manushi?

Aditya leaned on the wall reminisced the happy moments with Manushi.He have a secret yet to tell her.He knows that truth might put her in dangerous situation.But still Manushi has the right to know.Aditya punched the wall.He shouldn't have left her alone here to fall into the trap of Shelly.

Shelly was clever she knows until Aditya around Manushi she can't do anything to Manushi.Once Aditya left the country she started to implement her plan to hurt Manushi.If only he stayed back instead of going with Atharva,he would have saved Manushi from the humiliation.

Sadly there is no 'if'....

Arjun underground warehouse

"As per your instructions,we didn't touch Venkat ,instead we gave him mental torture.He didn't slept a wink in these past four days.I can't believe how they selected him as a head security for the chief general.He couldn't even withstand this for few days" There is an hint of annoyance in Manish voice.

As an army men he felt ashamed.

Arjun nodded,"Did he said anything?"

"He said three years ago,he got an envelope full of money with the message to manipulate the records of Manushi's arrest.In exchange to get the position as head security for chief general.There is no name of the sender" Manish informed him.

"The person behind Manushi's disappearance might be involved in the smuggling weapons" Kranthi concluded.

Ashok agreed with him,"Venkat lips were tightened.I guess that person might have threatened him by using his weakness.It was hard to make him say a single word out of him"

Manish snickered,"Is he using the things he learned in the past thirty years in army to shut his mouth?"

Arjun kept quiet for a while,gazing the man on the floor lying pitifully.Then he opened his mouth,"Lower the temperature of Venkat room"

Manish looked at his subordinate,who did the work.

Twenty minutes later they heard the low voice from the room,"T-There is a girl"

"Bring him here" Arjun didn't waste anymore minute.Soon Venkat brought in front of Arjun "Speak you have a last chance"

Venkat energy was almost drained and his body was shivering.He lost all of his rationality,"There is a girl.That day s-she went with those t-two imposter policemen"

"A girl?" Arjun eyes flashed the image of Anjali but he immedialtely crossed that from his mind.Because at the time of Manushi's disppearance Anjali was having her mid term exams.

Arjun tapped his fingers on the table,"If you saw her with them,then you might have took the picture of her.Where is it?"

Kranthi gasped at Arjun.No wonder he deserved to be big boss.

Venkat didn't expect Arjun to guess.All he want was to live,"It is in my secret folder"

Kranthi set up a layers of firewall for precaution before handing the laptop to Venkat.Venkat doesn't have any other way other than to give them the pictures.He opened his secret folder from the mall and showed it in front of Arjun.

The pictures was taken at the night.Still the girl's face was visible in moonlight.

Arjun's lips curved slightly.He somewhat guessed that it must be her because of the Anjali's attitude towards her.

'Anjali,you know what happened to Manushi.Then what are you hiding?'

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