Chapter 8

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Enrollment (2)  

“Ms. Valerie, it’s going to get better.

Jayvion spoke straightforwardly.

He felt that Valerie was not thinking like a mediocre child.

Jayvion believed the precocious and sensible Valerie would understand what he meant.

He was right.

Valerie nodded, quickly wiped her eyes, and once again looked at Jayvion wit h a smile.

Seeing Valerie like this made Jayvion’s heart ache even more.

He let out a long sigh.

Jayvion rubbed Valerie’s head.

“Ms. Valerie, I’ll go get your lunch. Please wait a moment.”

Jayvion adjusted his mood and returned to his usual work state. He respectfull y bowed to Valerie before he turned away to get her lunch.

Valerie’s attention was immediately back on her cell phone and laptop.

She rummaged through her shopping bag to see the invoice inside.·

As she expected, there was no invoice at all.

Kieran had prejudged her reaction.

The invoice was delivered to Kieran immediately after the purchase.

Valerie froze for a moment.

Hastily grabbing her phone, she downloaded eBay and scanned the laptop.

Moving closer to the screen, she squinted and counted carefully.

She gasped at the price.

Seeing the price clearly, Valerie moved backward.

Uncertain, she counted it again… She could not believe it.

She was thousands of dollars in debt at such a young age.

Valerie was suddenly desperate.

Hanging her head down, she opened her laptop and downloaded software to edit short videos.

Valerie, who was still gloomy, adjusted her mind, clicked on the software, and tried the functions inside.

On her cell phone, she also downloaded an app that would be a worldwide hit in the future.

Valerie set a firm goal in her heart.

She squinted her eyes like a little old man and worked hard to get familiar with  the software.

The next morning, Valerie opened her eyes in a daze.

She was awakened by Jayvion’s knock on the door.

“Ms. Valerie! Mr. Kieran said he was going to take you to school, so you need to get up and wash up quickly now.”

“I see.”

Getting out of the covers with great difficulty, Valerie rubbed her face and forc ed herself to wake up.

Quickly, she found her cleanest and most decent clothes from the closet and put them on.

She tied her hair in a ponytail.

And then she appeared in the dining room with such a brisk look.

Kieran sipped his coffee as he looked at the work messages on his phone.

He heard Valerie’s footsteps and didn’t look up at her.

“Hurry up and eat. I don’t have much time. We’ll just meet with the principal, a nd then you’ll be in school all day today. The school bag, stationery, and other  things are ready. Carry it yourself.”

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