Chapter 1: Past Life

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Hello Readers,

This is Mui. Please excuse any grammatical errors as English is not my first language and it's been a while since I've written anything. I apologize in advance if the quality of my writing is not up to your expectations. Since this is my first time writing a fanfiction about TCF, the characters might be out of character. Also, please note that there will be spoilers and slight differences from the novel.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it!


Cale Henituse, an eight-year-old child and is the only son of the Count in the Northeast of the Roan Kingdom. He wakes up in his bed. An old butler standing beside him wearing a benign smile. The butler, Ron, reminded him that he needed to change quickly as important guests were visiting.



Despite the recent loss of his mother, Cale stood strong at the funeral without shedding a tear. Instead, he comforted his father and was seen as the stronger of the two. However, he is just a fragile little boy who yearns for love and comfort from his father. Unfortunately, his father neglected him, avoiding him and not giving him the love he was longing for. Both have lost someone precious, but instead of being there for his son, Count Deruth neglected him.

Cale used to be a joyful child in the past, very sweet and lovable, and could always cheer up everyone, even the servants. However, that lovely child seems to have disappeared. Now, he is cold and distant, with dull and lifeless eyes. He rarely speaks, and when he does, his words are laced with a cold tone. His usual smile is gone, replaced with a stoic expression that is impossible to read.



Cale Henituse changed into fresh clothes with the help of his only trusted butler. After the Countess died, the maids and butlers stopped caring about him, but this old man remained by his side. As he walks through the halls, he notices the maids giving him pitying glances, which he despises. He is even considering the thought of gouging his eyes out or bleaching them to avoid those gazes.

Making his way towards the door, he sees his father conversing with a man who has golden hair. Two children with similar hair color as the man are standing beside him. However, Cale chooses not to approach his father, he knows that the latter doesn't want to see him. Just before leaving, he glances at the four people again and notices that the taller child is staring at him. Cale pays no attention to it and instead turns around to take another passage that leads to his garden.

As he took a stroll around his garden, Cale couldn't help but admire the beautiful flowers that his late mother had planted. Even today, the garden was well-maintained, as flowers were one of his mother's biggest passions. Cale stopped in front of a bed of red roses and approached one of them. He gazed at it for a few moments, but there was no admiration in his eyes. Instead, sadness was evident in his expression. 'The color of this rose cannot compare to the bright crimson hair of my mother' he thought, reminiscing the memories of his mother. He missed her dearly.

Still crouched down and staring at the flower, Cale noticed a blonde boy approaching him through his peripheral vision. He stood up elegantly and quickly turned towards the boy. As he looked at the boy up close, he could discern his features - he appeared to be around his age. The boy had bright golden hair, which shone like the sun, and clear blue eyes that were constantly observed. 'Without a doubt, he is handsome', Cale thought. The boy's face looked as though God had carefully and thoughtfully sculpted it to perfection, there was no doubt that females would swarm around him.

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