2: 𝔼𝕝𝕕𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕔𝕙

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𝘌𝘭𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩- strange or unnatural especially in a way that inspires fear; weird, eerie

𝘌𝘭𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩- strange or unnatural especially in a way that inspires fear; weird, eerie

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My head is pounding. Where am I? I forcefully open my crusted eyes despite the pain it causes me to see I'm still in Momma's room. Or what's left of it. Panic quickly rises back up inside of me as I remember everything. All of the screaming, the tears and the pain. Reality hits me all at once in full force. Momma's gone. Now I'm alone; all alone in this dark world. This was never supposed to happen! Me and Momma were supposed to live a happy life and always be there for each other. But now she's gone.

Bile rises in my throat as my brain registers the smell of the blood covering everything in Momma's room. I try to stand up but stumble a bit when I become light headed. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch a glimpse of a folded paper Momma is holding.

My dearest angel,

By the time you read this letter, I'll be long gone. Please do not blame yourself, none of this is your fault. It was my time to leave this world and eventually we will meet again. Remember the story I told you about the stars?  I promise I'll always be looking down at you. You are young, you still have so much life to live. Don't cut it short because of my death. It's ok to cry right now, but promise me you won't cry forever.
There is so much you don't know that, in time, you will discover.

Now that I am no longer there to protect you, you're going to have to be extra strong. Remember to keep your guard up and be careful of who you trust. There are bad people in the world who would love nothing more than to see you dead. I'm so sorry this is how it has to end my dearest daughter. I love you more than words can describe, I always will. You are such a beautiful person, I know you can do anything you put your mind to. Please be careful and know I will always be with you.

Until we meet again,

My vision clouds over as a fresh wave of tears hit me. I need to get out of this room and fast. I practically run out of the room not bothering to close the door and make my way down the creaky stairs. Being downstairs doesn't make me feel any better though; everything reminds me of her. Her light blue mixer on the counter, the spot on the couch she always sits at, and the painting I had made her just last week. Everything ended so quickly. One moment she was here, and the next she was gone.

I need to get out of here and go somewhere else, anywhere else. I don't really care at this moment if it means I'll have to go outside, anything is better than staying here. I also don't really have the energy to critically think at this moment in time either. And so I do the last thing rational-me would even think of doing: I go outside.

The first step is so freeing and so I take another one. Adrenaline is once again rushing through my veins as my feet carry me farther and farther away from the only thing I've ever known.

From the only person I've ever known...

What am I doing!? I just left Momma all alone in our house, how foolish could I be!?

But when I look around, I don't recognize where I am. Panic floods through me as I spin in circles trying to hold on to any shred of possibility of me remembering where I am. It's not my lucky day though. My breathing quickens and tears once again build in my eyes. My head hurts and I just want to go home.

And then I see someone approaching me. Relief floods my system as I realize they might be able to help me.

🚨Trigger Warning🚨

"What's a girl like you doing out here this late?" He asks and as he gets closer, I see a glint of something I don't recognize flash in his eyes.

"I um, need help," I answer just about as confidently as I can (which is not very confident might I add).

"Wait why are you covered in blood?" Oops, I forgot about that, it probably looks like I murdered someone. I open my mouth to answer but he beats me to it.

"It doesn't matter, I like em' freaky anyways."

Wait what? He likes who freaky? What does he mean by 'freaky'? I don't have time to ask any of these questions though because he begins getting closer and closer. I feel uncomfortable and cautiously take steps backwards until I hit a wall. Shoot, he's got me cornered in an alley. What's he going to do? Kill me? At this point I haven't got much to lose.

What surprises me is when he grabs my arms pinning them to my sides so I can't move an inch. And then he does something I definitely didn't expect; he pulls my neck to the side and begins sucking on it.

What? Who does this man think he is? A vampire? I'm genuinely confused at this point and would give anything to get out of this situation. Slowly, his hands move up my body and squeeze my breasts. I instantly try to push him away to no avail.

"What are you doing!? Let me go! Stop!" I scream.

"Shut up, and stop moving!" He says hungrily and squeezes even harder. I whimper in pain as tears flow down my cheeks. Once again, the panic rises in my system. When he leans his head in to kiss me I turn my head trying to save some of my dignity. The man slaps me and I cry out in pain.

As he tries to rip my blood-stained shirt off of my body, I begin to register everything that's happening. He's trying to rape me. Oh god, I'm going to be raped. I didn't even last twenty minutes in the outside world. How could I be so dumb!?

The more I criticize myself, the faster my breathing becomes and my legs turn into jello. At this point I'm sobbing uncontrollably and stuck in a loop of saying 'stop' weakly though it's no use. With my shirt off, the man focuses on my pants. I try to fight back but I have no energy left in my body so my flailing has no effect on him.

"Please don't!" I plead, wanting this to be some horrible nightmare, but it's not.


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