Chapter 1

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"Ava, we're leaving, we'll be back in 3 days!" Osprey's mom shouted as she slammed the front door, finally, I was home alone and now could leave home forever, I watched my parents' car drive past the house and pack my bags, I packed up my dental supplies, clothes, food and water, money, books, and some unnecessary stuff. Luckily I have a big backpack to fit lots of things, I ran downstairs with my backpack jumping up and down to let my dog Oliver out, a small red beagle who looked somewhat like my theriotype, I grabbed his leash clipping it on his red collar and ran into my car. I drove to pick up my friends who were also running away, then we headed to the car shop to trade the car with an old car, then we drove off far from this shitty town. In the next city, we decided to walk instead since Sage felt shifty and sick at the same time so we gave the car away, we ran but it did feel nice to run but then I felt phantom ears of my beagle theriotype and got on all fours, I was starting to have a mental shift! I kept on running faster as Oliver and my friends chased me on all fours, they all entered a birch forest as Oliver picked up the scent of a rotting deer corpse but since it was getting a little late he began to whine making Osprey snap back into reality. "Oh, sorry, Oliver!" Luckily the 3 had their bags on and were able to feed the hungry dog, I grabbed the dog food and the rubber bowl I packed and poured it onto a soft patch of grass, as Oliver ate, Sage checked the burner phone flower had and checked their location "uh guys, we're 3 hours away from the car, AND its 3 am" Sage spoke a yawned mid-sentence "oh wow! we should find somewhere to sleep, There's probably a motel nearby us" Raven replied, "Oliver is probably gonna pass out from all this so let's go find somewhere to rest" Osprey picked up Oliver and put the stuff back in his backpack "Sage are you able to find a motel or anything?" Osprey questioned "There's one 1.5 hours away. Should we go?" Sage asked, "Well we do need to sleep, and say that Oliver needs to be with us if they don't allow him." Raven answered.

1.5 Hours Later they arrived at the motel, and thankfully, let Oliver stay in the room. The 3 went on the bed, but the only room available had only 1 bed. They were cramped up, but there was no other choice since it was now 4:44 in the morning.

Osprey woke up at 7 in the morning then went to wake up Sage and Raven so they didn't get caught. The 3 got breakfast, fed Oliver, picked up our bags then RAN off as fast as we could. We ran 5 minutes away from the motel but we saw a park nearby and decided to take a quick break. We then left the park and checked the map, we were only going to get to Canada in at least a week according to Sage's Burner phone, I started to feel a phantom shift of my dinosaur theriotypes crest and arms as I began to feel more feathery I thought I was going to have another mental shift but I luckily didn't since we're on a road "oh wow I thought I was going to have a mental shift.." Osprey said, "be careful, haha. " Raven smiled and laughed

Sage grabbed a protein bar she had bought a week before the 3 ran away, Oliver wanted to eat it though since he was also begging for food, even if he had already eaten a whole bowl of dog food, he would still beg for human food "Oliver, stop it," I tugged slightly as the red beagle got back on track, Sage checked the time and saw that it was 9:52 am "I'm glad we left the shit town, we are only 14.5 hours away from that place and only 48 hours to Binghamton in NY then 149 hours to Toronto." she spoke "so 2 days to NY and 6 days to Toronto?" replied Osprey "yeah," Sage nodded as flower decided to grab 2 more protein bars for Osprey and Raven "oh thanks Sage!" I thanked "thank you" Raven also thanked, flower grabbed far in her backpack to give Oliver a snack so he doesn't starve to death, Oliver stopped as Sage signaled Oliver for a treat by talking in a high pitch voice "here you go Oli" as Oliver ate it in a few seconds, Osprey picked up Oliver so his paw pads wouldn't hurt. The 3 and Oliver had then walked into the town of Quakertown. "This town looks.. dead?" I said as Oliver started to smell the air, "well my burner phone wants me to go here but we'll probably be here at least in a couple hours or tomorrow if we keep walking" Sage spoke softly "6 more days." Raven replied and stretched her arms "what time is it now Sage?" she added "it's 10:22, wow we left the park 30 minutes ago, feels like over an hour" Sage chuckled "my backpack is hurting my shoulders" Osprey whined "I don't wanna take a break rn though" he added "I'll carry it, I didn't even have much to bring" Raven offered "thank you" they said as he put Oliver down to give Raven the backpack, Osprey took off the backpack which had made him feel better like they were a baby bird learning how to fly.

The 3 continued to walk for 3 hours until they heard the police, Osprey snatched the backpack as quickly as possible and ran along with Sage, Raven got hurt when Osprey took the backpack and stood there until the police walked out of their car, they didn't see Osprey, Sage, or even Oliver luckily and began to ask questions to the young person. "Ma'am do you want to explain why you're out on the road why yourself?" Officer 1 asked "Oh! uhm.. well- I was just on a walk!" she stuttered in a nervous tone. Officer 2 took out his notepad and a pen "Whats your name kid," he said sharply, "Raven.." she spoke softly "Alright, and how old are you?" Officer 2 asked again "15 years." Raven answered, the 2nd officer nodded as he put his notepad and pen away, "We're gonna have to take you home." the officers took Raven to the cop car and made a U-turn as Raven told them her address.

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