08. 𝘮𝘪𝘥𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳'𝘴 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮

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It's Midsummer's day.

I spent the entire day working at the surf shop, serving customers, pouring drinks and clearing tables. We came home about an hour ago with the challenge of getting ready as quickly as possible, my parents not wanting to be late for our first Midsummers event.

Just as I finish touching up my eye makeup my dad appears at my open bedroom door, his suit jacket in hand. He's wearing a white shirt and a grey suit with the finishing touch of his pale blue tie to match the colour of my mother's dress. She insisted that they look cohesive but she said she was happy for me to wear whatever makes me comfortable.

"Hey sweetie," He smiles as I slip one of my heels on, "Are you nearly ready?"

"Yeah," I nod, "I just need to learn to walk again," I laugh, referencing the heels that I'm wearing with this dress.

"You'll be great," He assures me, "Just come and sit with me for a moment."

"What is it?" I ask, taking a seat beside him on the bed.

"Do you remember your Nana Joan?" He asks, referring to his mother, my grandmother, who passed away when I was five.

"Of course." I nod.

"Well, she was born on the Outer Banks, and she lived her entire life on the cut, working tirelessly for her family, just to try and get us off of the cut," He begins to explain, and I can see he's trying not to get choked up, "Well, when she got sick, she made me promise that I wouldn't just use the inheritance on sensible things like renovations and school, she said that if we ever made it off the cut, that I should treat you girls, the way she would if she were still here."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"After Nana Joan died, we saved some of the money and bought you and your sister a necklace each, in the hope that we would one day give it to you on the day of your first Midsummers, and obviously we'll have to save Maggie's, but this is for you." He hands me a black velvet jewellery box, which I open to see a delicate silver chain with just one charm, a star shape, with many points to it, and in the centre of it sits a green gemstone.

"It's beautiful, thank you," I smile, giving him a quick hug.

"Sidney, Oscar," My mum calls up to us from downstairs, "The taxi is outside, are you ready?"

"Coming." I shout back, carefully putting the necklace on before sliding my chunky silver rings onto my fingers and spritzing some perfume before following my dad out of the room and down the stairs to where my mother is eagerly waiting with the front door already open.

"You look lovely, Sidney." My mother beams, squeezing my hand as we head out of the house and down the steps to our taxi.

"Good evening Sir," My dad greets the taxi driver as he takes a seat in the front passenger's seat, my mother and I in the back, "The Island Club, please."

"Of course." He nods, driving us towards the island club.

"Are you excited?" My mum asks me, gently squeezing my hand.

"Excited isn't the right word," I sigh, "Nervous, anxious, all the above."

"I'm sure once you see Kiara you'll feel more comfortable." She smiles, and she's probably right, as long as I make sure Kiara doesn't see me being friendly with Sarah, or even Rafe, especially after JJ voiced his suspicions to me at the outdoor cinema.

"I hope so." I sigh, staring out of the window at all the large and clean houses that look as though last week's storm barely touched them.

After another twenty minutes or so in the taxi we pull onto the driveway of the Island Club, various members of staff dotted around, carrying trays with drinks on them, greeting the other guests as they arrive. My dad pays the taxi driver as we climb out of the car before walking up to the club entrance.

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