"oops, am I distracting you?"

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this is inspired by billies costume. (she dressed up as moira, from American Horror Story, you can take a look at the picture at the top!)

"miss Ria, Im afraid I won't be able to make that arrangement for you that specific day" I explained with knitted eyebrows in frustration, as the lady on the other side of the phone rambled.

"but-" before I could finish the sentence, the familiar beeping sound was heard, indicating our phone call had come to an end. specifically, she chose to hang up on me, just like any other time.

I suppose I'm used to it by now, as I've gained great experience throughout my short career in phycology and having to deal with rich, spoiled people and their bratty, full-of-attitude kids. well, correction, I was forced to adapt to their behaviours if I wanted to keep a roof over my head, or have a plate full of food placed on my table everyday.

I'm more than grateful.

"your tea, miss" a soothing, flirty voice exclaims lowly, making my body tense up. I looked up, seeing her walk through the double wooden doors, stepping into my office.

Billie, my maid, is quite a personality you could say. the house I'm currently living in is spacious and big, which is making it hard for me to maintain it clean and well put together, hence why I needed the help of another person.

however, she likes to make working a little more fun by teasing me, something I secretly am enjoying from time to time, whenever she's not forcing her shit on me and being a burden while I'm working.

"should I place it here?" she moved closer, pointing towards the right side of the table.

"or here?" a smirk played on her lips as she approached my body, carefully setting the cup on the other side of the table without waiting for an answer.

I thanked her quietly, returning my focus on the big screen of my desktop and more specifically, on the numerous appointments i had arranged for the following days.

"you seem quite tensed up?" I felt her hands travelling up to my shoulders, massaging lightly the sore spots. my eyes slightly lowered at the relief, letting air through my nostrils.

after some time I felt her hands detaching from my shoulders, making me physically frown from the loss of her gentle touch and warmth on my body.

I heard her heels clicking on the wooden floor quietly, as she was moving around and I, I wasn't paying much attention, since my eyes where stuck on the screen before me.

I typed uncontrollably on my keyboard, occasionally taking small sips from the sweet tea she had brought me.

even though blurry, I could see her from my peripheral closing all the windows, eventually reaching my huge double doors seperating the office from the rest of the rooms.

a soft melody kept on being hummed and, from time to time, it would change rhythm or become louder and clearer, catching my attention.

suddenly I felt the clicking coming more towards my desk and the humming once again reached my ears. hands harshly placed themselves on the expensive wooden table infront of me, making my eyes shoot up and glare into her smirking face.

"Billie, this was my last straw. You're literally bothering my working and annoying me" I tapped my foot on the floor, growing impatient by the minute as she stood there, twirling a dark red strand of hair between her fingers.

Frustrated, I sighed. my blood was boiling and she kept on adding up to my anger.

"am I distracting you, miss?" she playfully rolled her eyes, making her sentence more dramatic by throwing her head to the side and looking at me with half wide eyes.

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