CH 1

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With the good old jazz ringtone which is the same for my alarm and phone I woke up to see my roommate is not in the room. After checking my phone for an unhealthy amount of time, I sat up straight at 9:30 a.m. 

It was late in the day when I realized my boyfriend had not woken up or called me. I have a meeting at 4:45 p.m. and he has his meeting at 6:00 p.m. From there, he won't even tell me what time he will be free. He has another meeting from 10:00 p.m. to some undefined time again, so this wasn't even irritating. However, I am happy to announce that today is also the date when our relationship started three months ago.

I have been brought up in an environment where I m provided with everything but no one to share it with. Human affection is something I won't say I am deprived off but yes, has aways been a tough emotion and challenge for me to deal and adapt with. Whereas the guy I am dating is an extroverted guy with great group of friends and believes in deep work. In some ways I still feel I am more free spirited than him because I have this ability to leave things I love and grow out of the need to have them.

Although that can still bother me a lot emotionally, but I know how to show up and complete what I have to, the love and support I feel workaholic nature and work ethic is also something that I inherited from my parents. Needless to say I am not meeting my bff today , tomorrow I haven't thought about and letting go and cutting off is fine. So, I will not call or text him today. I just saw his reply to my last chat and I am done with this guy both emotionally and physically for today.I have two assignments and three courses due but I am writing this, because however funny, angsty and bizarre these are, my shenanigans are quite entertaining.xoxops: next update soon.

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