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Jeongin opened the door, peaking head in. Felix was lying on his side, a pillow underneath his head. It was odd seeing hyunjin sort of care about someone he slept with for fun.

Jeongin and hyunjin weren't close, but he could tell hyunjin wasn't into the lovey-dovey things. Jeongin shut the door behind him, walking to Felix's soundless body.

"I think my boyfriend is cheating on me," Jisung mumbled, sitting down in front of Felix. Felix was awake, and he couldn't fall asleep very well due to the music and the fear of someone coming in.

"My crush just wants me for my body," Felix mumbled.

"That hurts."

Jeongin said.

"It does," Felix responded. The two seemed to click quickly. They had a friendly connection. "Why would Chan cheat on you? That would be weird. You're gorgeous." Felix slurred, his eyes blinking slowly.

"I don't know - why would hyunjin use you? You seem like a sweet person, and you're also beautiful."

"You think so?" Felix said, a shy smile. Jeongin rolled his eyes and sighed, hoping his boyfriend wasn't cheating. But deep down, he felt as if Chan was seeing someone else or at least messing with someone else.

"Well, hyunjin just sent me to check on you. Do you need anything?"

"No, I'm okay," Felix said.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow. You sit alone, right?" Felix nodded. "You can sit with me and my friends. We're nice people if you remember a word I'm saying." Jeongin stood up. Beginning to exit, Felix was way too drunk anyway. Jeongin just needed a friend to talk to. Jeongin opened the door, stepping out of the bedroom that Felix was sleeping in, shutting it tightly.

Jeongin walked through crowds and crowds of college kids and seniors. "Is chan back yet?" Jeongin asked, looking at a couple of people sitting in the same spot they always sit in. They all shook their heads.

Jeongin decided to wait, sitting back on the ground before the couch.

Hyunjin was gone as well.

"Chan, you might as well fuck him against the wall," Hyunjin said, pulling his friend awake from the unnecessary scene. Chans' eyes just looked at hyunjin, who was looking at him with annoyed eyes.

"I'm tired of covering for you. Tell your boyfriend." Hyunjin yanked Chan back on the wall before him, rolling his eyes. In fact, this wasn't the first time Chan did this. It was the 3rd time.

"Why would I tell him? We've Been together for years." Chan said.

"Because he loves you more day and night and you're here almost 5 inches deep in some guy. You're an asshole for that." Hyunjin said quietly. He was looking back to jeongin, who was sitting clueless on the floor, waiting for his cheating boyfriend to get around.

"I was not 5 inches deep in him."

"You were about to be. Be honest with your boyfriend. I'm serious; next time, I will let jeongin watch." Hyunjin said, and he said it aggressively into Chan's ear - patting his back in the process.

"But how am I supposed to tell him
That I don't want to be with him anymore?" Chan said, leaning against the wall. He took small glances at jeongin, who was patiently waiting. He looked happy with Chan.

"It's your relationship.. not mine."
Hyunjin ended it there, beginning to walk away. He wasn't feeling this party now. He left Chan to think against the wall before walking away to sit with jeongin.

"Hi, you took so long," Jeongin said. Chan hated the guilt he felt, noticing Jeongin's fond smile as he scooted himself over. The smile was filled with admiration. In contrast, chan couldn't even fake a smile anymore.

"Yeah, sorry."

Chan responded dully.

"Something wrong?"

Jeongin asked, he put his arm intertwined with chans, leaning against the muscular surface like they normally did. Jeongin knew that chan liked his clingyness.

"No, nothings wrong." Chan said.

Jeongin could sense it though.

Chan wouldn't break up with him right? Just before they planned to do the plans they talked about? He'd end it there?


My cramps are KILLING MEHH

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