chapter 16

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Doctor left from there after handing the medicine to Tae .

Jungkook whimpered

Tae: (worried) "Jungkook, what's
wrong? Are you okay?"

Jungkook: (grimacing) My stomach
hurts so much.

Tae's heart sank at the sight of Jungkook in pain.

Tae: (gentle) "Jungkook, you need to eat something. It might help soothe your stomach."

Jungkook: "No, sir . I can't eat. It'll
only make it worse."

Tae: (firmly) "Jungkook, trust me. I
know what's best for you.
Please, just try a little bit."

Reluctantly, Jungkook agreed, knowing that Tae wouldn't give up until he did. Tae told Naina to prepare a bowl of rice and soup, hoping it would ease Jungkook's pain.

Tae: (encouragingly) "Here,
Jungkook. Just a few spoonfuls,
okay? Take it slow."

Jungkook hesitated for a moment before taking a small bite. Surprisingly, the warmth of the soup brought a sense of relief to his aching stomach.

Jungkook: (surprised) "sir , it actually
feels better. Thank you."

Tae: (smiling) "I told you, didn't I?
Now, finish your meal. It'll help
you recover faster."

As Jungkook continued to eat, Tae stayed by his side, offering words of encouragement and comfort. The more Jungkook ate, the more his pain subsided, and his appetite slowly returned.

Jungkook: (grateful) " Thank you for
taking care of me."

Tae: (softly) don't say thanks and eat
the medicine

Jungkook : okay

Tae : hmm take some rest I'm leaving

Jungkook : can you-you

Tae : me ? What

Jungkook : (doe eyes)cuddle with me

The room was silenced for a minute

Then Tae did something he had never done before. He cuddled with kook, providing comfort and warmth. It was the first time Tae had shown such affection, as he believed that vulnerability was a sign of weakness. But seeing Jungkook in pain melted his heart, and he couldn't help but hold him close.

Jungkook, who had always been scared of Tae, cherished this newfound affection.
He felt safe and loved in Tae's arms, and it was a feeling he had longed for. However, Tae struggled with his own emotions, unsure of how to handle this new side of their relationship.

Time skip 2 days
Tae made sure Jungkook took his medicine and ate his food, ensuring his speedy recovery.

After Jungkook's recovery, Tae decided it was time to address the issue of the bullies. He called Jungkook into his study.

his voice stern and commanding. "Jungkook, I am disappointed that you hid the truth from me. You know I expect honesty and trust from you Tae said firmly.

Jungkook lowered his gaze, feeling guilty for his actions. "I'm sorry, Sir . I was scared of how you would react," he admitted, his voice filled with remorse.

Tae sighed, his expression softening slightly. "I understand that you were afraid, but hiding the truth is not the solution. I want you to trust me, Jungkook. " he explained, his voice gentle yet firm.


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