Day 60

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QSMP UPDATES DAY DAY 60•Missa•Bonding•Missa v Forever •BBH Inspiration

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•Missa v Forever
•BBH Inspiration

QSMP UPDATES DAY DAY 60•Missa•Bonding•Missa v Forever •BBH Inspiration

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It's a surprise to me when I wake up and the early bird isn't already in my house. There's no smell of coffee like it usually is and when I walk into the kitchen, Philza is nowhere to be seen...weird.

It's a greater surprise to me when I hear a knock at my door. Philza doesn't knock, he has a key. I haven't heard or seen Quackity in a few weeks and no Brazilian or French person I know gets up this early.

When I open the door, there stands the hooded man who takes off his mask. Infront of me stands Missa Sinfonia, a man I haven't seen weeks.

"Missa?" I ask.

"Buenos's so nice to see you again.... Do you know where chayanne is?" Missa questions

"He stayed the night at Kings Castle " I state. "Come in, I was just about to make breakfast and coffee " I invite moving out of the way. The large demigod ducks, slightly crouching. It's noted I should make my door bigger.

He suddenly shrinks in size so he's barely towering over me. I lead him to the kitchen where he sits down in a chair. Ironically it's the same chair Phil always sits in because it rocks slightly.

"How have you been?" He asks as I begin taking out the ingredients for french toast and start the coffee machine.

"I've been good and.... how about you?" I question

"Good, good..." He starts before clearing his throat. "And Phil?" He hesitantly wonders.

"He misses you..." I blurt out.

He laughs, it's hoarse almost hollow.

"I've missed him too" he mutters.

"Then why'd you leave?" I question.

"Y/n, you have to understand..." He starts

He looks around before getting up and closing the curtains.

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