Ghostly Presence Part 3

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I'm a tiny bit late but! It's Yu-Gi-Oh's 25th year anniversary

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I'm a tiny bit late but! It's Yu-Gi-Oh's 25th year anniversary

( New chapter, but before I start. Are there any fans of Cyno out there from Genshin Impact? I really like Cyno.)

Recap: I didn't get the chance to see what happened, but something suddenly caused Atem to lunge out in my direction. Atem ran at Diva and I. "Atem??" Yugi blinked.

"What's happening?" Joey couldn't understand what caused Atem to suddenly run back.


"Huh??" I gasped. Suddenly we all felt a strong rush of air, with so much power that it threw us backwards. My feet left the ground. I feared I was about to crack myself off the cave walls. Before my head went up. I saw Atem's face go pale, his face flooding with concern and stress.

I didn't have time to think as our feet left the ground. The other customers of the museum let out sounds of shouts of worry. Diva went flying one way, I went backwards. Yugi skidded not too far from me. Joey tried to jump away from the burst of air but failed.  I didn't even know where Atem was.

This was stressful, and my heart raced. Feeling the hard ground hit my back. "Oh no, ___ are you alright?" I felt the grip of Atem's hands as he tried to pull me up off the ground. He kneeled next to me trying to shield me in case that spirit was about to give us another blast of strong wind.

"Tell me you're alright," Atem spoke down to me. He had some dirt specks on his face, a slight cut across the side of his cheek. I looked at him just as worried as he looked down at me.

"Your face is bleeding." His eyes glittered a bit.

"And you were hit pretty hard there.." He adds. Something must have hit Atem. "I am a pharaoh...a little cut on my face won't stop me." He tried to sound confident for us, like it didn't hurt at all."

"Y-yeah but...someone as pr- ah like you shouldn't have a cut like that." 'Why did I stop myself from saying pretty??' I asked myself.

"Be on guard, we don't exactly know what that spirit wants." Atem helped me stand up. He kept one hand placed on my shoulder.

"It seems the others are alright." Atem sighed. I felt sorry for the people that were laying across the floor ahead. They had it worse. Some people began to rush out from where we were. Pushing past us.

Atem stood his ground to not let them shove me to the ground. Yugi looked at me concerned a few steps away.

"Running sounds like a good idea...." I heard Jeoy speak.

" Yes, but I am the only present being that could help stop this. This troubled spirit."

"Troubled?" I raised my brow.

"Mhm, I believe there is more to this. It's my duty,  I have to protect the people of this land too if  I can."

"____." Atem faced me. "You stay here, I need to go in further, to see more." Atem's forehead glowed gold again. I shake my head. "N-no...! please don't leave me alone." I shivered. I felt much safer near Atem in this situation.

"I - I can't. It would put you in more danger." He had a hard time saying no to me. I didn't budge, I started Atem dead in the eyes. "I don't care.!"

"__-___." He stuttered my name in shock. "Don't say that you don't value your life...because I do."

"Then take me with you, I don't feel safe right now. I think I should be near you...better chance of surviving."

"Alright very well, but please keep caution with you."

- To Be Continued!

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Eternally Gold Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiWhere stories live. Discover now