Chapter 19

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"But, Sasuma, let's go after Holi." Mami suggested this as she ate her breakfast the next morning.

"No. I have already given them my word. We are leaving the day after tomorrow." Nani replied firmly but refused to look at her.

"Amma, how can we go so suddenly? Mama asked.

"Why? Why can't we go?" Nani asked as she looked at Mama with her brows creasing.

"Sasuma, don't get angry... Why don't we go today? Since the day after tomorrow is very close to Holi, we also have to prepare for Holika Dahan." Mami tried none the less and gestured to Di to say something.

"Yeah, Nani. Mami is also right. Why don't we visit them today or... tomorrow?" Di said this while Akash and I quietly ate our breakfast.

Nani placed her napkin on the table with a sigh before she started explaining, "When I informed Madhumati Ji about our intention to visit, she invited us to celebrate Holi with them. In Lucknow." She paused and looked at us. "And that's why we will be leaving the day after tomorrow."

"They are not in Delhi?" Mama asked the most obvious question, but Nani patiently shook her head in answer.

The whole table fell silent and stared at Nani as soon as she finished. I ate the last bite of my toast and cleaned my hands on a napkin before drinking my remaining juice and finally looking up.

"Let me know when you want to leave and which hotel you would like to stay in. I'll arrange everything." I said it loudly and looked at Nani.

"Book the tickets for the day after tomorrow and for the hotel..." Di said as she glanced at everyone, but Nani kept looking at me.

"You are coming with us." She said this without taking her eyes off me.

I held her eyes for a moment before speaking.

"Nani, I don't think I should. Also, I have some very important meetings before Holi. So..."

"You are coming. That's final." She glared at me.

"Fine." Because why fight a losing battle!

"And there's no need for a hotel." Her voice softened, like she wasn't glaring at me a second ago. "She asked us to stay with them."

"At their house?" Mama, but again asked the obvious. God, Mama. This time, Nani didn't bother to answer and avoided him. Which was completely understandable. Because I would have done the same.

"It will be really fun!" Di said as she smiled excitedly. "I'll be with Payal and Khushi after such a long time."

"Hello-Hi-Bye-Bye! Surely fun, Anjali Bitiya, but how are we to stay with them, Sasuma?" Mami voiced my thoughts, and I again looked at Nani for her answer.

"I'm sure they thought of something when they invited us." Akash said as he leaned back on his chair.

"Yes, but..." Mami tried.

"Is your comfort more important than your son's happiness?" Nani asked while shooting a glare in her direction.

Mami pressed her lips together and glanced at Akash for a moment before answering, "But I also need to be alive if I'm to care for my son's happiness, right, Sasuma?" Mami...

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