chapter 5

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"Thank you so much, Mr. Jeon, for today," Taehyung thanked the younger man holding the sleeping baby. It was nighttime. They stood outside the ice cream parlor near the kindergarten; the baby had exhausted itself during the day.

"It's okay, Mr. Kim," the younger man replied with a small smile.

Taehyung extended his arms towards the younger man to take the baby from him.

Jungkook looked at the extended arms and then at the baby. He kissed the baby's cheeks, took a deep breath, and passed the baby to his dad.

Jungkook felt a heaviness parting from the little one.

Taehyung, confused, looked at Jungkook. Is Jungkook the same with every child? Maybe yes, but this behavior might mislead Juni. With this thought, he carried the baby.

"May I drop you, Mr. Jeon?" Taehyung asked.

"No, Mr. Kim, I have my own car parked nearby. Thank you for the offer," he bowed, signaling farewell, and Taehyung did the same.

"Ma~ma," Jungkook stopped in his tracks, hearing the baby's voice. He looked at the sleeping baby calling for his mom in his sleep, visibly uncomfortable.

"Mr. Jeon, I'm really sorry for this inconvenience," Taehyung apologized. He'd wanted to do it for a long time. His child calling a stranger "mom" might be inconvenient for the other person, right? Wrong.

Jungkook extended his arms, calming the baby instantly by patting his head, who was squirming moments ago.

"It's okay, Mr. Kim, it's totally fine," Jungkook reassured, patting the baby's head lovingly.

A calm moment was interrupted by Taehyung's phone call. He held the baby with one hand and answered with the other.

"Yes, hyung, everything's okay. Yeah, we're heading back. Okay," Taehyung answered Jin on the call.

"Okay, Mr. Jeon, good night," he bid farewell for the last time.

Jungkook simply nodded.

They both turned and walked in opposite directions.

"How was the appointment, Tae?" Jin asked.

"It was fine, hyung. The doctor said it's nothing to worry about. Juni just needs some syrup for 15 days," Taehyung replied, settling the baby in his room decorated in purple, filled with toys and plushies.

"Hmm, it's a miracle. Today was magical," Jin said, smiling.

Taehyung smiled, "I still feel it's a dream."

"It's because of Jungkook, how efficiently he handles our baby," Jin said, patting the sleeping baby's head.

Taehyung froze, not saying anything.

"What happened, Tae?" Jin asked, confused.

"He will leave my child broken, hyung," Taehyung expressed his fear.

"He is the same with every child, and my Juni is mistaking him as his mom. He has his own life, and my Juni is not part of it. I'm scared that my baby will be left broken. I'm not saying he will do it intentionally, but..." Taehyung poured out his heart.

"Tae, don't worry," Jin managed to say, unable to find answers to the elder's turmoil because deep down, he realized that Jungkook has his own life, and Juni is not included in it.


"Jungkook, can you stop thinking and start eating," a cute shorter boy said, looking at his brother who was  poking his food with chopsticks, pouting.

"I miss him, hyung," Jungkook looked at his elder brother Jimin with vulnerability.

"Jungkook, you've never been like this with any of your other students," Jimin said.

"I know, hyung. He is just so cute that I want to nom nom him. He's so small and adorable, his tiny hands are so small, so soft , he looks so cute when he giggles with a nose scrunch. He has these big eyes, and when he calls me 'momma,' I feel like... yes, I am his momma. I feel the urge to hold him and pepper him with kisses and all the love in the world. Hyung, I... I am doomed. It feels like I need to be with the child," Jungkook shared his emotions.

"But, my baby brother, you know he may have a mother, right?" Jimin didn't want to break his brother's heart but couldn't give false hope either.

"I know, hyung, and that's why my heart is hurting," Jungkook cried, resting his head.

Jimin patted his brother's head.

"And what about his father?" Jimin asked.

"Well, he looks arrogant and carries himself as untouchable, he's rude too, totally opposite of my Juni. Their personalities are so different. But somehow, he's a gentleman," Jungkook recalled the elder asking him for a ride.

"He's complicated, but he's a softy for his child, and I appreciate it," Jungkook smiled, recalling the cute interactions of the father-son duo.

"Hmm, a typical richy-rich," Jimin commented.

"Yes, can say that," Jungkook agreed.

It's 2 AM, and Kim's mansion is in chaos.

"Whele ish my mumma?"
"My mumma, whele  ale you?"
"Juni wan mumma!"
"My mumma!"

Juni is crying nonstop, calling for his mumma.

Taehyung cradles the baby nonstop, calling Jin and Namjoon, who arrived at Kim's a few minutes ago. Taehyung himself has tears in his eyes, looking at his child crying hysterically.

"Namjoon, we should call Jungkook," Jin suggested.
Namjoon nodded.

"But, hyung, it's this hour of the night," Taehyung said.

"Taehyung, our baby is crying, I can't see this," Jin cried himself.

Namjoon called the principal of the kindergarten, his friend, to take Jungkook's contact number.

Namjoon called Jungkook; after 4-5 calls, Jungkook answered. He wasn't sleeping, thinking about the baby, and he received the call from an unknown number.

"Hello, who is this?" Jungkook asked.
"Is it Jeon Jungkook?" Namjoon asked in the background while Juni cried hysterically.

Jungkook panicked, "Is it Juni? Is it my baby who is crying?" he asked, standing up.

"Wan mumma!"

Jungkook heard those words, his heart on fire.

"Give me the address, I'm coming," Jungkook said. He didn't care who was calling; he didn't care about anything; all he could think was that his baby was crying and needed him.

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