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The Secrets Between Us -07

- Third Person Pov -





As your group made its way through the airport, navigating the check-in procedures and security checks, the anticipation for the trip hung in the air.

Eventually, you found yourselves boarding the plane, each member of the group locating their designated seats.

Once seated, Mr. Kim, your teacher and chaperone, addressed the group, emphasizing the importance of safety during the journey.

The cabin crew followed, providing instructions and detailing their roles in case of any issues.

As the plane taxied and ascended into the sky, a mix of excitement and nerves filled the cabin.

However, for you, a sense of awkwardness lingered.

Hanni Pham, your unexpected seatmate, settled into the chair beside you, plugging in her earphones, likely immersing herself in music.

You sighed as you observed her; her eyes were closed, seemingly lost in the rhythm of the song. It was a moment of quiet amidst the buzz of the plane.

Unexpectedly, you found yourself captivated by her presence. The soft hum of the plane's engines provided a backdrop to your contemplation.

"She is surprisingly pretty up close... What the hell am I thinking!" you chided yourself mentally, as if trying to dispel the thoughts that involuntarily crossed your mind.

Despite your internal reprimands, you couldn't help but steal glances at her. It was as if an inexplicable force drew your attention.

Then, in a fleeting moment, she opened her eyes, catching you in the act. In a reflex, you averted your gaze, feeling a sudden rush of embarrassment.

"Huh, was Y/n looking at me?" Hanni thought, her gaze shifting to you and then away, leaving a hint of curiosity in her expression.

"Why would they? Stop with your delusional thoughts!" she scolded herself internally, though a trace of a smile played on her lips.

As you grappled with your own thoughts, Hanni seemed lost in the music flowing through her earphones.

The melodies she listened to became a soundtrack to her reflections, weaving a layer of complexity into the silence that enveloped the plane.

"I didn't know why I started to miss him!" Hanni thought, her mind drifting to thoughts of her boyfriend.

"Does he miss me too? Probably yes. Of course, he does. I am his girlfriend, so he must..." Hanni mused, finding a connection between the music and her contemplations, creating an intimate cocoon of emotions amidst the vastness of the airplane cabin.

[ Time Skipped ]

The plane gently descended, marking the group's arrival in Thailand.

The excitement in the air was palpable, yet fatigue lingered from the journey.

The next destination was the hotel, and after a brief discussion led by the teacher, the group made its way to the awaiting bus.

Within the bus, the exhaustion of the long flight was evident on everyone's faces.

Hanni, in particular, seemed to be fighting to keep her eyes open as she took the seat beside you.

Her eyelids drooped, and you couldn't help but empathize with her weariness.

Feeling a surge of empathy, you decided to offer Hanni a moment of reprieve.

Taking a deep breath, you gently cradled her head, guiding it to rest on your shoulder.

The soft hum of the bus engine and the subtle movements of the journey seemed to create a lullaby, coaxing Hanni into a peaceful slumber.

The unexpected closeness prompted a mix of emotions within you.

"W-what?" you mumbled to yourself, trying to process the sudden intimacy.

Despite the initial surprise, you let Hanni rest against you, choosing to embrace the transient connection.

As the bus rumbled toward the hotel, the ambient noise of conversation and the occasional laugh enveloped the space.

The rhythmic motion of the journey, combined with Hanni's gentle breathing against your shoulder, created a strangely tranquil atmosphere.

The arrival at the hotel marked the end of the bus journey.

The group began to stir, preparing to disembark.

However, you realized that Hanni was still nestled against your shoulder.

"Should I wake her up?" The dilemma lingered in your thoughts.

Balancing the desire to let her sleep with the practicality of needing to exit the bus, you decided to gently shake Hanni awake.

"Huh, where am I?" she mumbled, her eyes blinking open in a daze.

"We're still on the bus, Hanni-ssi. Everyone has left; we should get off too," you explained, offering her a gentle smile.

"But it's so comfortable and warm!" Hanni protested like a child, tightening her grip on your arm.

"Wait a minute... who am I hugging?" Her realization unfolded, and a brief silence settled as she processed the situation.

"Am I hugging Y/n?" Hanni's eyes widened with recognition.

The air held a momentary pause as the awareness of the closeness dawned upon both of you.

"Hanni-ssi?" you called her name, breaking the silence, and her gaze met yours.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to hug you," she apologized, but instead of pulling away, she inched closer, whining.

You found yourself frozen, the proximity between the two of you making your heart race.

Blinking in surprise, she eventually let go of your arms and hurriedly got up from the seat.

"I am sorry, I am sorry!" she repeated as she ran away from the bus, leaving you there, blushing and trying to comprehend the unexpected closeness.

(  To be continued )

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