02- orgy

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astridmalfoy posted

astridmalfoy posted

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liked by dmalfoy, riddle, and others

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liked by dmalfoy, riddle, and others

astrismalfoy back with my girls🫀

tagged: bzabini, parkinson

user i want to be invited to their sleepovers
user me too
user I bet they have so much fun

b.zabini you guys are such girls
bzabini you're quite literally adopted don't forget that
user what-
user how did i never know this
bzabini yeah blaise was conviently donated by his mother to the hostpital and my mother likes sets so she decided to keep him
user is this a joke?
b.zabini no she literally has different parents we are biologically not siblings
astridmalfoy and bestie is 12 hours older💪

tnott who tf still makes friendship bracelets?
astridmalfoy me
tnott you're such a child
astridmalfoy not what your mom said when i was fucking her
narcissamalfoy Astrid
calliopenott Haha

parkinson yasss sleepovers 🔛🔝

dmalfoy you look stupid
astridmalfoy you're just mad our parents like me more

bzabini look at me with my white ladies!!
astridmalfoy 😻

harrypotter what if you invtited me to your sleepovers?

riddle first slide is interesting

tnott so do girls actually have naked pillow fights at sleepovers?
dmalfoy wtf mate
parkinson how do you go from making fun of her to asking this?
astridmalfoy we do
astridmalfoy and we rub each other in body oils first
tnott stop fucking with me
astridmalfoy you asked for it

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teo !

i'm bored

teo !
i'm working on a project rn

we've just gotten back to school
what project are you working on?

teo !
it's just something snape asked
me to do
nothing important

so unimportant you didn't think
to tell me about it?

teo !
it's not a big thing
just me and some other people

oh is anyone else i know working
on it?

teo !
and some other people you don't

the daphne who's liked you since
first year?

teo !
you know i love you

that hasn't stopped her from
making moves on you

teo !
she's crazy
remember when she snuck into
my dorm for me?

yes i vividly remember finding
another girl naked in my
boyfriend's bed

teo !
i don't want someone crazy

so if she wasn't crazy you'd
want her
she's pretty fit isn't she?

teo !
why are you being so bloody
annoying about it
it's a project not an orgy

why are you getting mad that i'm
not happy you're spending time
with a girl who keeps throwing
herself at you?
you know how i feel about her
and you hid it from me
if it wasn't a big deal you could've
just told me

teo !
i've got to go

don't bother coming to my dorm
when you're done


astridmalfoy posted

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c speaks!

don't freak out when astrid and theo get together bc mattheo is a shitbag in this fic


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