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The plane touched down on the runway, and the contestants eagerly surrounded the plane ready for Total Drama World Tour. Among them was Y/N, the mysterious and aloof contestant whose presence seemed to defy explanation. She had a knack for stumbling into success while seemingly not having a clue what she was doing. Noah had taken an immediate dislike to the newcomer after she eliminated him last season by complete accident. In total dismay he thought "god damnit, not this bozo again!". But Chris was inexplicably keen on having her back, hoping that the ratings from her first season participation would transfer onto the next one. After all it is kinda her fault he didn't bankrupt the entire franchise building that giant, unnecessary studio with the money he made from the previous two seasons, but that's a story for another time.

The sun beat down on the runway, and a warm breeze carried the scent of the gasoline from the plane. Y/N, with her signature air of mystery, surveyed the surroundings as if she had just stumbled into another dimension. Noah, however, was less enthused. He cast a skeptical glance in Y/N's direction, memories of the previous season flooding back. He still couldn't forget how she inadvertently caused him so many problems and his eventual elimination. As the memories replayed in his mind, he grumbled. Chris McLean, always the opportunist, revels in the potential drama. He strutted up to Y/N, a sinister grin plastered on his face. "Ah, Y/N, welcome back! Ready for another round of unpredictable chaos?" Y/N simply shrugged, her eyes scanning the unfamiliar terrain. Chris continued, "I mean, who could forget the unintentional brilliance of your moves last time? Ratings gold!" Noah rolled his eyes, muttering, "Ratings gold or not, it's a miracle we're all still alive."

As Y/N prepared to respond, a horn blared, indicating Chris's next announcement: the arrival of the final few contestants from last season's aftermath. Noah winced in anticipation; it would be difficult seeing Cody and other members of the post-elimination team he formed last time. As the bus pulled up, he considered slinking off to the side. However, his plans were rudely interrupted as Cody rushed over, enthusiastically shouting, "Hey Y/N! It's good to see you again." Cody flashed Noah an excited wave and grinned at the disdainful scowl it produced. Y/N smiled and gave Cody a small nod, maintaining her trademark air of nonchalance. Noah grumbled, "This is going to be a long day." Cody nudged him jokingly, saying, "Oh come on, cheer up! The game hasn't even started." Noah frowned, unimpressed, while Gwen sidled up to the trio. "Hey Y/N, good to see you again. Though I'm pretty sure that half of these people want to kill you at the moment." As Cody protested, "Oh I doubt everyone feels that way, Gwen." Noah merely shrugged, his dislike of Y/N manifesting into disinterest.

Chris strode into the centre of the circle, "Welcome, campers, to Total Drama World Tour!" Chris despite his enthusiasm was only met by displeased whispers. Hearing this he decides to cut off the campers and usher them into the plane. Chris's assistant intern and perpetual camera person, Chef Hatchett, can be seen refuelling and carrying gear onto the plane. Noah is chatting to Cody and Gwen when Chris yells "Everyone on the plane now! Time is money and money is precious." Gwen let out an exasperated huff, and she quickly rushed along the plane's ramp. Noah follows reluctantly, grumbling under his breath. Y/N trailed behind, taking careful consideration of the various equipment and gadgets on the plane. Chris waved her on, saying, "For someone who hasn't won any games yet, you do take your sweet time." Once all contestants have entered the plane Chris gives a brief tour of the plane; economy, first class cabin, his private cabin, and of course the cafeteria.

Noah surveyed the plane sceptically. Y/N on the other hand wandered freely about the plane, curious about everything in sight. Her childlike wonder seemed to infuriate Noah even further, though he would never admit it. While Chris continued his monologue, "and as you can see we've really spiced up things this year. I mean, a plane is fun and all but hey, I wanted the next season to be really exciting sooo-" Chef burst through the curtain to the Economy Section, interrupting, "Oi, this ain't the time for your ramblin', host man. We've gotta get goin', already!" Chris scoffed, but nonetheless muttered, "fine, whatever." Chef hurried away, satisfied, while Chris stepped through the curtain. With a knowing smirk, he shouted, "Takeoff in five... four... three... two..." The engines of the plane roared, and the plane ascended rapidly, leaving the runway. A rush of G forces stunned the campers, and most ran to their seats. Y/N remained on her feet, caught up in exploring every part of the cabin. Noah, feeling nauseous from the takeoff, murmured, "god she better not cause some random problem before the game has even begun." However, Noah did have to admit that watching Y/N discover new things and muse out loud was at least somewhat enjoyable.

The plane then steadied itself out and Chris comes walking back in taking the contestants to the elimination ceremony room. "And finally our elimination ceremony room is here" Chris proclaimed, "it is the location of all of the challenges and also the location in which you vote someone off." Noah glances at Y/N who seemed awed by everything once again, he continues to sulk throughout Chris's introduction. The campers are seated, and Chris strides to the centre of the room, relishing every moment. Then, he takes Ezekiel and throws him out of the plane. Ezekiel laughs it off, "hey slow down and let me back in!" "Sorry dude all eliminations are final" is the only response he gets from Chris as the plane door slams shut. Chris laughs for a bit then brings the contestants back to the cafeteria then leaves.

Everyone takes this brief moment to talk with each other, introducing themselves if they did not participate in the first season. Cody jumps from seat to seat making conversation with the majority of campers. Heather gossiping with Sierra while Lindsay gushes about Alejandro who is currently lifting weights. The rest of the contestants are mingling with each other mostly with Y/N quietly surveying the crowd once again. Noah sits at a booth casually sipping an iced coffee, pointedly ignoring his fellow campers. Chris stunts his way back into the cafeteria in full getup and forces all contestants to start singing.

After the song Chef dings in through the P.A system, "enough singing fruitcakes strap yourselves in, we are now beginning our descent into Egypt." Then followed by some aggressive muttering that seems to upset Chris as he storms off. Cody gives Gwen and Y/N a quizzical look and the rest of the plane goes from zero to excitement. The contestants immediately run to the windows and chat about all the different monuments that they could see. Noah watches from afar. However, he couldn't help but glance at Y/N, something in his chest swelled, watching her express pure excitement like everyone else. Noah frowns at this odd reaction and tries to put the feeling aside. Chris and chef came back out to tell the campers that there will be no landing strip, and they have to get out by parachute. The plane then lurches sending its occupants falling.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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