The First Meet : Part One

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What is Retsen ?

Why am I standing, though ? Wasn't I suppose to be sitted ?

Is the air conditioner not working ? It's hot.

Or maybe I have fastened the tie tightly ?

Si-Oh was confused. It had never happened to him. Nothing was making sense for the past two weeks. He couldn't focus on the documents that has to be signed for next distribution of drugs. Retsen was not going as per the schedule. Pavel has been confused because of him and ofcourse, irritated too. The business has been through some losses for the first time since he took charge five years back. No one was there to blame, except him.....

And maybe, the woman napping infront of his desk, on his leather couch - wearing one of his black shirt over her pale white baggy trouser because she had spilled coffee over her own shirt while being excited about his offer for a chocolate cake as a treat.

Si-Oh sat back on his chair and shook his head, amused at how she would be happy and excited over every second thing in her life. How she had been injecting desires into him - desire to be with her, desire to be happy, desire for peace, desire for a family......kind of desires which is placed in a cage and locked far away from him.

He smiled mockingly at himself and his fate, hating his mother who he had never seen.... a bit more today for leaving him behind in an orphanage and never coming back.

The flashbacks of how he met her four months back, occupying his mind once again.


Four months back :

( TW : suic*de )

Gang Nam-soon, dressed in a funeral dress - as black as her soul right now, she  walked through the corridor of the building of Korea's national intelligence agency. Her colleagues watching her walk past them, scared at how much distant and cold she felt to them right now. Her heels clicking on the marble floor, a bit too harshly this time. She was summoned by Mr Kang Jun-Ho - the director and the only person she respected and reported to.

He was looking outside the window of his office, uncomfortable and anxious about the next mission. It was not just his ace officer that will be put under risk, she has somehow turned into his beloved daughter too - the void which was left behind after his own daughter had commited suic*de. But 'duty before family'  was also one of his rule for himself .

He took a deep breath, calming his senses a bit - preparing himself to hand over the envelope to Nam-soon which had her next target and mission. He had suggested her name to the higher ups, so there was no way to step back now. But he had never guess.....

Nam-soon knocked on the glass door, getting the order from Mr.Jun Ho she walked in, standing infront of the big wooden desk, top covered with glass.

She saw her reflection, not a clear one but enough to make her rub those tear stained cheeks. She hated being weak. He smiled looking at her, aware of the kind of person she was and how a completely opposite role she would have to take in for her next mission.

He wanted to hug her, the loss she had faced two days back still raw in her heart but this was not the right place to show his fatherly affection for her. He pushed the brown envelope towards her, asking her to open it.

Nam-soon picked up the envelope and open it, pulling out the picture inside it.

A man in his late twenties, with a scar under his left eye.

' Your next mission. ' Mr Jun Ho said.

And then a silence took over the office. She looked dead into Mr. Jun -Ho's eyes , as if asking him to drop the next piece of information.

He took a deep breath.

' Your next mission......and also, Miss Hwang's killer - Ryu Si-Oh's right hand and assistant : Alex Ross. ' 

She nodded her head, accepting the mission. If someone looked at her right now, they would assume this was just another task for her by how much calm and composed she looked. But the man in his fifties sitting infront of her was aware of how furious she was.

She had always searched for her mother after her parents seperated when she was just six years old and she went to live with her father and grandparents. No contact, no meet - nothing from her side - she grew up like that, graduated and joined the intelligence agency. Unless she recieved a call from an unknown number two days back and found her mom, but directly at her funeral. Locked in a pot as ashes. Disbelief, anger or sadness - she couldn't calculate how she felt about it. She had a lot of questions to ask. She wanted to ask her if she was a burden to her ? She wanted to hug her, even if she felt like a curse. She wanted to see her mom, how she looked now - if she had wrinkles beside her eyes, did she grow some grey hair with her age ? Was she happy being away from her ? Why did she never contact her, even for such a second ? She wanted to hear her voice. She wanted to relive that fading memory of her laughter as she picked her up. It was a happy family, then what went wrong all of a sudden.......SHE HAD A LOT OF QUESTIONS WHICH WILL NEVER BE ANSWERED. SHE WASN'T JUST FURIOUS. SHE WAS DESTRUCTIVE.

' Who is Ryu Si-Oh ? ' Nam-soon asked.

' The CEO of Asia branch of Pavel. ' Mr. Jun Ho answered.

' And how will I proceed with the mission ? ' She enquired, 

' The receptionist from his front desk has been put on a leave since past three weeks. Reason is her mother has terminal illness. You will take her place. For next six months. '

' Is the receptionist one of our officer too ? '

' That's confidential. ' Mr. Jun Ho said.

' Can I know how long have you been planning this ? ' Nam-soon asked.

'Three years'

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