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It's been a few weeks since that day and Taehyung already filed for divorce. After Taehyung filed for divorce him and Jungkook gave each other another chance.

Suhee was very happy when she found out and she couldn't thank Jungkook enough.

But when she saw that Taehyung wanted full custody of Hari her heart dropped. She couldn't loose her daughter like that and she truly loved her and she was sure that Hoseok won't take it really good.

Now she was at the restaurant waiting for Hoseok because they decided to meet each other and also she hasn't told him about the divorce.

" Hello Suhee" she heard Hoseok's voice who sat down. " oh hello Hoseok" she said with a smile. " uhm I actually have great news for you" she said with a smile. " what is it" He said with curiosity.

" Taehyung filed for divorce" Hoseok widened his eyes.  " No way. REALLY" He shouted with excitement and Suhee smiled nodding her head as yes.

" That's amazing Suhee that means we could finally live together as a family with Hari!" He said excitedly. " well about Hari,  he filed for full custody" " WHAT!" He shouted causing people in the restaurant to look at them. " apparently I'm a bad mother for Hari and I don't deserve to stay with her" she said reflecting to the words Taehyung said  to her.


"Why would you file for full custody Taehyung! She is my daughter! I carried her in my belly for 9 freaking months!" Suhee shouted.
Taehyung the went close to Suhee. " How dare you speak to me like that!" He said coldly.

He scoffed sarcastically. " Since when did you care about her, remember you always say that you're not the one who wanted wanted her"

" I never ment that please Taehyung I can't loose my daughter" " Listen to me Suhee you're a bad mother for Hari and you definitely don't deserve to stay with her!" Taehyung shouted and Suhee couldn't help but cry.

End of flashback

" aish that bustard how can he say something like that to you!" Hoseok said with an angry expression. " I just don't wanna loose our daughter" yes Suhee was a bad mother for Hari but that doesn't mean she never loved her. She really loved her.

" Don't worry Suhee I'm here with you, no one will take you or our daughter away from me okay!" Hoseok said and Suhee nodded. " Now let's not focus on Taehyung and speak about us" Hoseok and Suhee nodded a happy yes.

Meanwhile Jungkook

Jungkook was with Hari at home because it was a saturday and Taehyung went somewhere he didn't know and Suhee went to meet her boyfriend and he had to stay back in the house and take care of Hari.

Now they were in the living room playing some board games. " omg you're good at this" Jungkook signed to Hari and she smiled. " daddy thought me, he is really good also" she responded signing with her hands.

Of course Jungkook knew that Taehyung was good at board games, they used to play together. " uh, Hari let's go take your medication " Jungkook signed and carried Hari to the kitchen and gave her medication.

After a few hours they continued playing. It was all fun until Taehyung budged into the house looking angry expression and he was on the phone. " I told you Suhee I'm fucking doing this and it's final!" He shouted at the phone passing the Two like they didn't exist.

Jungkook then looked at Hari and she had tears. " oh Hari, baby don't cry" Jungkook signed trying to comfort the kid. " mommy and daddy always fight, I just wish they could stop fighting" Hari said with tears in her eyes.

Jungkook felt bad for for the kid and also knowing that Taehyung and Suhee are going to divorce. " aish, let me go check on your father okay"  Jungkook signed and he stood up and went to the room.

He saw Taehyung sitting by the balcony just looking at nothing. He sighed before going to him.

Meanwhile Taehyung he was stressed because his father called him earlier asking why he filed for divorce and he said because he has another lover who is a girl now his parents want to meet 'her' and also Suhee kept on calling him the whole day.

He then felt someone hugging him from behind. He flinched a little bit but he smelled the person's scent and it was Jungkook. He didn't do anything and just stood there.

" What's wrong Tae, why are you angry" Jungkook asked in a low voice.
" it's nothing don't worry about Jungkook." Taehyung said in his cold deep voice and it made Jungkook scared.

Jungkook softly removed his hands from Taehyung's waist. " Me and Hari are playing board games, do you wanna join?" Asked Jungkook.
" No I'm not in the mood" Taehyung said with his cold tone.

" come on Tae, it's gonna be fun I know you're goo-" " I SAID I'M NOT IN THE MOOD JUNGKOOK" Taehyung shouted at Jungkook cutting him and he saw how bad Jungkook flinched and he instantly regretted it.

" Jungkook I'm sorry I didn't mean to shout" " you should really handle your anger issues Taehyung." Jungkook said seriously and Taehyung nodded as yes.

" So tell me what's wrong?" Jungkook asked. " it's just Suhee doesn't want me to file for full custody, but she never cared for Hari and I don't understand why now she cares" Taehyung said and Jungkook made an 'oh' faces.

Jungkook felt bad for voting Suhee and Taehyung, he knew that Taehyung loved Hari but also Suhee wants to live with her family (Hari and Hoseok)

" Maybe she does care for her" Jungkook said and Taehyung kept quiet.
" I'm gonna check on Hari" Jungkook said and Taehyung still didn't respond and Jungkook left the room

She then went downstairs to Hari and she saw her sleeping on the couch, he smiled at her and carried her to her room. She layed her on her bed and went back to Taehyung's room.

" Hari is sleeping no-" Jungkook said but Taehyung crushed his lips onto Jungkook as soon as he saw him. Taehyung roughly kissed Jungkook who kissed him back.

A few minutes passed and Taehyung was sulking Jungkook's lips and Jungkook couldn't breathe properly. He tried to break the kiss but Taehyung wouldn't budge.

He then started hitting Taehyung on his chest and Taehyung came back to his senses and quickly broke the kiss and Jungkook started gasping for breath.

"Are yo....you trying to kill me" Jungkook said and Taehyung shook his head as a no. " I'm sorry Jungkook it's just I'm stressed right now"

" So you're taking out your stress on me" he said folding his arms. " No Jungkook it's not like that".

" I think you need time to yourself Tae" Jungkook said and Taehyung shook his head as no. " no Jungkook please stay with me I mostly need your comfort right now"

Jungkook sighed and hugged Taehyung who tightly hugged him back.

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