Chapter 43: Forced Marriage,

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Nandani: The whole environment changed into toxicity, but then we got news that Saumya is pregnant. Meegha also did not lag behind because of war, and got pregnant too. But I don't want the same thing to happen with Vivan & Aditya which happens with Suraj & Daksh, so I decided to keep them away from this house.
Nandani looked at Vivan & Aditya, heirs were surely shocked after knowing the reason.
Nandani: I wanted to protect them and give them a better life but I turned their life into hell. I destroyed their life, they went through worse from what Suraj & Daksh went.
Girls looked at heirs, everyone was having pity look leaving heirs.
Nandani: This all was not sufficient that we snatched Suraj's love and Daksh's dream, for which they were alive.
She said in a cursing manner,
Nandani: After so much struggle they learn to live but in a bad way, they become more bad humans than their parents were, whatever we do or try nothing worked. I was so confused about this matter that I didn't pay attention to anything. When I noticed it, it was already late, and the minimum time was left in my hand. So I decided to fix everything, I was ready to take any risk and do whatever it took.
She said looking at girls, everyone followed her gaze,
Nandani: I started to search for girls for their marriage, my requirements were different for all daughters in law but something I wanted common was soft heart, kind and patient girls. For Suraj I want a girl who will be the same as a girl Suraj loved in the past, with that she should be cultured, understanding, kind, soft hearted and helpful. For Daksh I wanted a girl who will fight against the wrong, fearless, helpful and aggressive. For Vivan I wanted a girl who will teach him how to behave softly, how to love, who will open his eyes to see how beautiful the world is, who will become the medicine of his wounds, but she should be soft, kind and patient. For Aditya I wanted a girl who will match with his ego, fighting girl, aggressive and something different type of girl.
Everyone looked at girls,like yes it met her needs
Nandani: I saw Ishita at a business party, I observed her during the whole party, I got interested in her and removed all her information. With money I removed her personal information too, about her family and everything, later I sent a marriage proposal to her house and they said yes to this marriage. I found Kiara when she was fighting a boy because he dared to propose to her, I removed all her information and after knowing everything about her, I liked her and sent her a family marriage proposal. It took so much effort and time to find girls for Suraj & Vivan, I was searching for girls for them while keeping eyes on Ishita & Kiara, I saw Ruhi for the first time in an orphan when I went there for a donation. She was playing with orphan children, I met with her that day too, I liked her in the first meeting. Her innocence and kindness was displaying like a movie, anyone would love to make her a part of their family. I sent a marriage proposal to her family, now I was desperately searching for brides for Suraj, it was hard. My search ended when I saw Sanskruti, she was helping one old beggar woman. I liked Sanskruti in one meeting only but I didn't rush, I observed her for 2 months and then gave a marriage proposal.
Nandani looked at heirs and continued,
Nandani: Everyone's family agrees for this marriage leaving Sanskruti's, they are denied for this marriage. They said they don't want a rich family, they want someone who will value their daughter.  But I have decided that these 4 girls will only become the daughter-in-law of my house anyhow, so I forced them for this marriage.
She said looking down and in low tune, everyone got shocked and looked at girls, while girls avoided everyone's stare.
Nandani: I knew leaving Ruhi no one wants this marriage and I also knew that Ishita and Kiara's parents were forcing them, I knew after seeing Vivan, Ruhi would also change her mind. So I make circumstance hard for them,
She said cruelty was filled in her voice,
Nandani: after engagement Ishita begged in front of her parents to cancel this marriage and her begging worked. Harsh came to me to cancel this marriage, saying Ishita doesn't want to marry. But I showed him greed, I told him the benefits of marrying Oberois, and he agreed for this marriage again because of money. But this journey didn't end here, girls shouldn't run away from this marriage, for this I did something bad. I threatened them,
Nandani stopped for a moment,
Nandani: I told Ishita if she didn't marry Daksh then I'll destroy her brother's career. But Ishita didn't believe me so I made Qabir have an accident, after which Ishita agreed to marry Daksh. Ruhi was easy to deal with, she got threatened and silently agreed to marry Vivan. Kiara was silent all the time, she neither said yes nor no, it was confusing me, so I gave her a glimpse of what I can do. I fired her brother from his job, and instantly Kiara agreed to marry Aditya. My cruelty crossed all limits in Sanskruti's matter, her family was against this marriage, so to make them agree I crossed all limits. I broke their house, I crashed them under loans, torture them daily, Sanskruti was not able to see this and agreed to marry Suraj. I brought Sanskruti and locked her in the basement of our war house, for safety I kidnapped her brother, in case she tried to run. I forced them to marry you all, I can still remember their horrified and helpless face.
Now Nandani was crying, Saumya, Meegha and Tejas were crying too. Heirs were so shocked that they didn't know what to do and what to say, surely they didn't expect this.
Viraj: mom, how can you go this far?
Jairaj: it's too much mom, even if we beg them our whole life then also we don't deserve forgiveness.
Their statements shock everyone,
Tejas: because of you all she went this far, because she loves you all.
He said while crying,
Suraj: you knew everything?
Tejas nodded,
Suraj: then why didn't you stop her?
Nandani: because I'm diagnosed with the last stage of cancer,
Silent filled in surrounding,
Nandani: I can't die peacefully if things were the same.
Tejas cried more,
Nandani: I have minimum time left, I want to die peacefully, seeing my grandsons happy, so I become selfish.
Nandani looked at heirs,
Nandani: but today I'll make a fair decision, because I can't die with the burden of regrets on my shoulders either.
She turns to girls,
Nandani: I'm your culprit, you can give me any punishment, I'm freeing you all. You can divorce your husbands and return to life again or you can have a separate life with your husband. Decision is up to you, everyone will accept your decision.
Nandani complete while heirs hearts beat skip, girls looked at their husband while they were already looking at them. This is what girls wanted 'a free life', then why now they don't want this. They wanted to go away from here, from their husband, wanting to live their life according to their will, then what happened now? They were confused. Girls were thinking deeply when Meegha came in front of them, Meegha held Kiara's & Ishita's hand and pulled them forward. Meegha kneels down and keeps her head on their feet, as soon she did Kiara & Ishita both moved back.
Ishita: what are you doing mummy ji?
Meegha: my sin brought me here,
Kiara: mummy ji, please get up!
Meegha: I was so corrupted that I didn't notice my wrong doing, when Sanskruti asked me yesterday, 'what was my first thought when I heard Daksh crying voice during delivery' I regained my sense.
Meegha looked at Sanskruti,
Meegha: At that time I felt like, finally I have someone mine, who will understand me, love me. But it's too late to apologise, I already lost my sons and daughters in law too, I guess. But I don't want our sons to lose their wife, I have seen how happy they all are when they are with you, please don't leave any of my sons. If you want you can have your own journey, but please don't leave our sons, they won't be able to handle this separation.
Girls looked at their husbands, heirs were on edge to have break down, pain and fear was visible on their face which girls notice too. After a long eye contact between couples Aditya moved from his place, he came to Kiara and took her into their room. One by one, every heir took their wife to their room Leaving Suraj, Suraj took Sanskruti and left the house.

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