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A joke

He must've thought I was some sort of joke after he heard the rumors. Was he trying to use me due to my accident and trauma for his reputation, I just don't understand.

His fucking girlfriend. No way

"Are you out of your-", I start before he abruptly cuts me off.

"Wait before you freak the fuck out it's gonna be fake, all you have to do is play the part", he says trying to confidently sway me.

Defense classes and in return, I would boost his popularity.


"You think I genuinely care whether it's fake or not", I say already angry.

He stays silent for a while after seeing the reaction on my face.

"Give me one good reason, what's your explanation!?", I say pissed.

The atmosphere becomes a bit tense.

"My ex, I wanna prove her wrong", he says looking off into the distance through the window.

He can't be serious. This is all too much him knowing about my accident, my family, and my friends.

"That's your fucking reason, your ex, you think I'm some tool you can use to make yourself look good," I say even more angry than before.

"You wouldn't understand but just trust me, my ex broke up with me because-", he says before I cut him off again.

"What wouldn't I understand? your ridiculous and immature and if I was your real girlfriend I would break up with you too", I say.

"based on what I'm hearing all I understand is that you're some pathetic guy trying to use my image to up your game", I say giving him a once over.

What I just said sparks something in him causing him to look pissed.

"Your image, oh you gotta be fucking kidding me", he says scoffing before letting out a sly laugh.

"What image!?, after what I just witnessed in the cafeteria, oh scratch that WHAT THE WHOLE SCHOOL WITNESSED Your image doesn't seem the most stable", he says looking at me glaring with his dark green eyes.

"Don't hold on to things that you don't have anymore. I don't know who you were before the coma but based on what I've heard and clearly seen that's all changed.", he says his voice serious and void of the playfulness he had earlier.

I stare at him for a while silence ensuing, the emotion clouded in his dark green eyes making me slightly regret what I had said.

He was right my image was going down and I was just embarrassed and angry that he knew about my accident. I knew it wasn't a big secret but the fact that it happened makes me feel insignificant and weak in the eyes of everyone.

"You know what just forget it, your all the same", he says unlocking the car door.

I leave the car slamming his door tears forming in the corners of my eyes.

I was the real pathetic one and deep down everyone knew it.

I enter the house seeing some of my family members scattered throughout the living room and ignore them rushing up the stairs.

I slam my room door and without even thinking I flop face down on my bed wishing everything and everyone would just disappear.

I scream into one of my large fluffy pillows my tears disappearing into the fluff.

I was so frustrated, for some reason, I wasn't that sad that I lost my friends. What had got me was the feeling of being lost as if I had to start from scratch like I was an unfinished puzzle without the last piece.

I'm a few minutes into my breakdown and lost in my thoughts  when I hear a knock on the door.

I freeze and sit up swiftly wiping the few stray tears on my face, I don't respond until a voice comes through.

"Mom says to come down for dinner, she has something she wants to discuss with all of us"

It's Dillan.

Out of all my family members, he was the closest to me but he was also mom's lap dog, always so desperate to please her and that's how we eventually drifted apart.

I don't respond and instead, wait for his footsteps to retreat before taking a deep breath.

I wasn't planning on starving myself or even ignoring my family at home. I would live my life and they would live there's.

Coexistence with strangers is what I'd call it.

Although what my mother wanted to discuss piqued my curiosity in a bad way, every time she announced something it was always problematic.


I was really getting into the carbonara pasta in front of me despite the random looks I would see in my peripheral vision from my siblings.

the confusion being the main look in their eyes.

But just as I bite into the juicy Cajun chicken piece that was stuck to my fork the evil witch begins to chant and complain about something, and of course I hear my name.

"Summer you've been all over the news articles surrounding our family name", she says out of the blue her cold gray eyes boring into the side of my head.

I swear it's as if all the food in my mouth turns sour. The witch and her powers never fail.

"Oh really,.. what are they saying? something good I hope", I say observing the chicken on my fork before devouring the chunk whole.

I seem uninterested and this seems to anger her.

"No it's not good at all Summer", she says her passive aggressiveness coming into full effect.

"Paparazzi is only gonna make things hard for us-

I cut her off

"For you? You mean", I say pausing from my food to glance at her.

We stare at each other for a while, both of us not bothering to look away. As if it were a show of power, look away first and your mind was weak.

I can't lie paparazzi aren't unfamiliar to someone like me and I'm surprised they didn't catch me once I escaped from the hospital or were even camping by the hospital or something.

I suppose even the paparazzi got tired of waiting for me to come back to life.

Paparazzi always had fun and interesting ways to twist shit so I knew I had to ask what the subject of these hot topics were now.

Immediately Diane pulls out her phone showing me as if she read my mind. Oh wow not the siblings actually putting the work in.

I read the article trying to show no reaction but when I tell you my insides are on fucking fire.

It's almost as if the world was on Kai Brent's side.

"Summer Blake caught sneaking her boyfriend into her house, raunchy sex right after a coma?! This good girl has gone too bad"


A/N: wow that's all I gotta say.

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