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                      Aditi's Pov

"Ahhhh, finally I can rest. I completed all my chores and no one will disturb me noww." Just as I was going to take some rest I could hear my step mom calling me. "What now?" I said to myself in an annoyed tone...

" Yes mom" I replied from my room.

"Come to the living room. Your dad wants to talk to you" she said and I headed towards the living room.

I saw my father, my stepmom and sister sitting together waiting for me.

"Sit down" my father commanded. "we need to talk."

Whenever my father told this I always had some trouble. I thought
in my mind.

I nervously nodded.

He started " see we have taken a decision about you."

"What decision?" I asked.

"See you are quite grown up now and it is time to marry you off. But we don't have enough money to do your wedding rituals. So you are going to be sold to a rich man who will ensure your safety and well being. He will also give us enough money to do your sister's wedding beautifully. Won't you do this much for your family?" He finished.

I was beyond telling anything. Those words made me speechless. I could not believe that it was my own father.
"WHAT!" I shouted. "You sold me!!! How could you do that??"

"Stop being dramatic" came my stepmother's reply..." you can do this much for your family. Afterall we looked after you these years. So you owe to us and it is time that you pay back."

"Pay back?? I did all the chores of this house taking care of all of you. Everyday I was eating after you all ate. I washed your dirty clothes. I earned my food." I almost shouted..

"So??" came a cold reply. "You had to do something to get your food. We took care of your neccessities and wasted enough money on you."

"Took care of me!!!" I laughed mockingly though I was at the verge of crying. I could see my dad fuming with anger and I could feel today would be the most dreaded night I would ever have. But I don't care about it now. I have to save myself. I continued " I know you all hate me and maybe I am a burden for you but please you all can't do this to me." This time I pleaded as I know fighting with them won't help me and it will further get me into trouble.

"Come on di, can't you do this much for me?" Ava commented which made my blood boil. She further added " I want my wedding to be grand and I am sure it would be held within next year. Also you are of no use so it is better that you better agree and stop fighting."

This time I shouted at the peak of my voice. "Stay quiet when elders are speaking. I am your elder sister. And you want me to sacrifice my life for you who has always insulted me and treated me as a maid!!"

Just then I could feel a hard slap on my face and I fell down. My father slapped me! "Dad!!"

"You are A MAID!!" he shouted making my heart break into pieces. "How dare you speak to your sister in such a way??" But....

He cuts me off. "No more words on this. I want you to be ready within tomorrow evening. He will come here to take you and hand us the money. No more funny business. Today would be the worst night you would ever had but I don't want to sell my product with scars."

His remark left me in tears. Am I just a product to him which he will sell? I was broken from the core. Even in my worst nightmare I never thought he will do this to me. Anything but selling me!! Am I that bad?? I questioned myself...

"Tie her in her room and lock her from outside. Make sure she does not escape." He commanded and my stepmother and step sister dragged me to my room and tied me to my bed tightly and left the room locked.

I stayed there crying my heart out. "Why mom why, why did you leave me? If you would have here I am sure you won't let this happen to me... Please mom I don't want to live anymore. God save me please."
I cried all night and fell asleep just before sunrise not knowing what was going to happen after I wake up. I knew my life is destroyed now. That man is waiting for me.
I dread what's coming next....

Hey there!! I hope you all like this part... Next part will be updated soon... Let me know if you liked this part and please ignore minor mistakes..

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