7 - Law and Disorder.

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"Revenge is a kind of wild justice."

- Francis Bacon

As I opened my eyes, I realized I was lying in Noah's bed, still donned in the previous night's outfit

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As I opened my eyes, I realized I was lying in Noah's bed, still donned in the previous night's outfit. Reminders of last night's events started to swarm my thoughts, but I swiftly pushed them aside, not wanting them to spoil my day. With a sudden burst of energy, I bolted out of bed, swiftly making my way to shower before leaving for the police station. I needed to retrieve some important documents from the arresting officer. Deep down, I was hoping it wasn't Jay. But somehow, I felt in my gut that it had to be him. My brother would never skip a chance to make a fool out of a Pierce, and I understood that confrontation was unavoidable.

Sawyer and I paid a visit to the office. I needed to confirm Scott had completed and organized the massive task load I had assigned him.

"Good morning, ma'am," Dalilah welcomed me as I entered the building.

"Morning, Dalilah," I responded with a smile. "Is Scott in his office?"

"No, ma'am. He hasn't arrived yet," she answered.

I acknowledged her with a nod and proceeded to my office. Settling into my chair, I saw a neatly arranged stack of files on my desk. Skimming through them, I appreciated Scott's diligence. Regardless of the work volume, he consistently delivered, and I admired him for it.

Yet he was nowhere to show. I snatched up my phone and dialed him, ready to give him a piece of my mind. "You'd better have a good excuse this time," I sternly told him.

"I'm so sorry, Frankie, my grandmother just passed away and I had to take the first flight out to Florida this morning," he said, his voice breaking.

"I have a word of advice for you," I stated bluntly. "Lying is an art, and if you want to master it, you have to be creative. Killing your grandmother seven times a year isn't very creative, Scotty."

He was silent for a moment, realizing I had caught him in a lie. "I'm sorry," he finally muttered.

"What did she want now?" I asked, not too surprised.

"She threatened to end things if we didn't take a vacation," he replied, sounding completely crushed.

"Dump her, or she'll clean you out," I stated firmly. "I expect you in the office within the hour. Now get your ass up."

"I'll be there," he replied before hanging up.

Hurrying out to the parking lot, I jumped in the car, heart racing.

"Why don't I retrieve the documents for you? There's no need for you to go," Sawyer proposed, but I dismissed his offer with a shake of my head.

"It's no use running, Sawyer. Whatever is bound to happen is bound to happen." I replied, though my unease continued to escalate.

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