off the ground.

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*Shortly after an obsolete challenge of climbing...*

After the challenge ended, we went back down under the mountain, I was the one carrying Jerald as I called "dibs" on him. I don't know if that would be considered selfish of me, but I could care less as it was time to get to know him.

"So um, I haven't introduced myself, right?" I said.
How foolish of me to ask this question, you could literally tell by looking at me that I am a parallelogram, therefore my name is Parallelogram. I didn't think that well through and I have underestimated Jerald by complete mistake, and I feel guilty.

"     " Jerald said.
Is this a statement of confusion? Is he confused on why I would introduce myself? Is he confused on why I didn't introduce myself straight away? Is he confused on why I'm even talking to his presence? Either way, I'm still going to introduce myself as there's no turning back.

"I'm Parallelogram! What about you?" I said.
Excuse me, what. "What about you?" You already know his name you silly shape. Why am I talking to myself in a third-person point of view? You were literally there when Jerald was named, it's really stupid that you have to ask that.

"     " Jerald said.
Oh no, have I angered him? It sounds rude and pushy that I would "forget" his name that easily, or does he think I'm trying to tease him by feeling welcomed? I should go on and fix this real quick.

"Ah, Jerald it was, right?" I said.
You. You literally just made it worse. Why do I have to assure that it really is his name? I already said it, why do I have to ask "right?", well, there's no point anymore.

"     " Jerald said.
Maybe I should go on and talk to him another time. Theres a chance that he isn't in the mood.

"Sorry, but I have some shenanigans to do, it was good knowing you! Until again!" I said.
Shenanigans? Really? You know damn well you're going to do nothing, just like you are to Jerald.


*After the witnessing of a strange conversation between two polygons.*

What was that? That was... odd to say the least. I would've passed it off as satirical, just like we did when naming and obtaining Jerald, but nobody was there to see that. Maybe Parallelogram saw me and wanted to act funny around me? Even when OBJ passed by to say hi, he completely ignored him like he wasn't there, oh well, atleast this isn't affecting the challenges.

"Oh, hey Buzzery!" OBJ said.

"Hello OBJ! How are you doing!" I said.

"Nothing much, I tried to talk to Parallelogram earlier, but he acted like I wasn't there!" OBJ said.

"Yeah, I saw that." I said.

"That hexagon is rad and all, but don't you think he's a bit obsessed?" OBJ said.

"Yeah, atleast he's having fun and all, but I'm just hoping this doesn't affect the team's goals" I said.

"Don't worry, even if he doesn't participate, it's not like the whole team is going to do the same thing!" OBJ said.

"Well, whatever makes him happy, I guess." I said.


*Writing a letter...*

Dear Jerald,
         I would like to apologize for earlier, how I left you, I truly only left you hanging on that conversation to make this letter. I want to have a proper introduction, I am Parallelogram, and I am interested in being friends with you, it's been a while since I've seen a real shape like me. If I gave off some bad impressions, you can tell me. Again, I am truly sorry and hope to make friends with you.


Hopefully this would work out well.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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you shape my world. (Parallelogram X Jerald) [Obsolete Battle Show]Where stories live. Discover now