Nine - When I Saw You

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When I saw you,
That day In The Ground,
In the red attire,
I was enthralled,
Fascinated and intrigued,
By your beauty.
It was a sunny winter morning,
Yet, you looked,
Like the cherry blossoms,
Of spring.
After I saw you,
It felt like I had seen heaven,
While still being alive.
You're looking gorgeous,
After all; I would be a fool,
not to notice,
The way the sunshine played,
with your hair.

I always used to think that,
I need money,
Or power,
Or magnificent,
Expensive cars,
To be happy.
But now they're worthless,
When compared to you.
I now wonder what,
it would be like,
To melt into your arms,
And get stuck there,
Forever entwined.

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