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Manik filled all the papers and looked at Arman who was sitting on the wheelchair,he smiled and held his chair.

Manik-So ready for home?


He said and smiled,Mayan held Nandini's hand tightly while looking at Manik.

Mayan-Where were you living?

Nandini-I had my Apartment.


Manik-No,she will live with us,I mean Arman needs extra care and she will help him.In simple terms I hire her as a Nurse for Arman.

Arman-But I don’t need anyone as long as you both stay beside me.

He said and rolled his eyes,Manik patted his head.

Manik-I know but,This is my Order,So no more discussion,Miss Nandini.


She smiles widely,Mayan give best smile to Manik who wink at him,Arman clenches his fists angrily.

After a long drive they came to the house,Manik set room for Arman and made him lay on the bed carefully,Ayan sat beside him.

Manik-Come,I show you your room

He and Nandini walk out from the room,Mayan holding Arman’s hand who smiles.

Arman-Don’t you think,Dad is hiding something?

Mayan(gulp)-No,No what are you saying it’s not like that what you are thinking.

Arman-And how do you know what I am thinking?

Mayan-Twin effect

Arman rolls his eyes and tries to move his leg but he groans in pain.

Manik-This is your room,and don’t worry about Arman. I will talk to him when he recovers,hmm.

Nandini-Thank you.

Manik-No need for Thanks,And how can you think I can let you leave me again.

Nandini(eye roll)-Excuse me,Don’t over think,I am here only as a nurse.

Manik-Yeah,I can see that,anyway you don’t know how stubborn they are so best of luck in advance.

He said and walked out,Nandini smiled and took clothes and left for the shower.

After some time,Nandini enters the twins room and places soup on the side table.

Nandini-Arman,it’s your dressing time,come sit.

Arman-I don’t need your help,so leave.

Nandini-You can’t stop me from doing my work,so be a good boy and let me do my work hmm.

She said and opened the first aid box and sat on the bed,Mayan held Arman hand tightly with doe eyes,Nandini went to cut bandage from his head but he pushed her hand away which caused the box to fall from her hand.


Manik-Arman,What is this behaviour?

They flinched when they heard Manik’s angry voice,Arman looked away angrily,Manik came near him and sat beside him and held his chin.

Manik(serious)-Look up

Arman did not look up,Manik made him look up.

Manik-When I talk to you don’t look away,I am clear,Now apologise right now.

Arman-Why?Why do I apologise?

Nandini-Manik it’s ok.

Manik-It’s not ok,and you apologise because I am saying.

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