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Ch. 6: The Domino Effect

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Cavanaugh Industries' head office occupies the top five floors of one of New York City's tallest skyscrapers, each prior floor belonging to our subsidiaries. One hundred and one levels of hell, the top belonging to the executive team. To me. As I tilt my head, the top of the tower hidden by the fog, I hear my father's voice. One day, my son, all of this will be yours. When that time comes, I know you'll do great things. My teeth crush against themselves, anger stewing in my gut. That day wasn't supposed to come for a long time. He had a decade of vision left in him, and just like that, that vision was taken. All his dreams were shattered. And I was left behind to pick up the pieces. Pieces that I never truly wanted to possess.

It's all a domino effect. A cruel joke played by the puppeteer in the sky. An eye for an eye. A life for a life. Or lives. They should have never covered it up. That in turn made them all guilty. And yet, I'm still here. Another joke. He's laughing at me. He left me here so that I'd suffer, so that every waking day, I'll remember everything I lost and everything I took.

It's been twenty-three months since I've set foot in his building. Since I've roamed the halls that were once my playground. Since I've laid my eyes on the people whose livelihoods depend on me. That require my presence, my attention, my fucking vision.

"Sir—" Javier opens the front door for me. "We're late. The Li brothers are waiting in the conference room."

Everyone looks at me with sympathy as Javier and I make our way through the lobby. The front desk staff, the security officers, the fucking mailman. It sickens me. I've become a broken child to them. A young boy. A goddamn orphan. Their sympathy means that I'm weak. That the edge of my sword has turned rusty and dull. It's my own fault. Javier was right. I was hiding. But the world around me kept moving. I haven't had a desire to move with it until now.

"Welcome back, Mr. Cavanaugh." Miranda greets Javier and me outside the elevator doors, handing us both a brief of today's meeting. She flashes me a white smile, and I remember the day I had to cover those pretty little lips because she was screaming my name too loud. Her cheeks turn pink as if remembering the same memory. She clears her throat. "We're all um..." Tucking a strand of blonde hair behind her ear, she whispers, "We're all really glad to see you again."

"I'm sure."

Dismissing the walking reminder of my poor coping skills, I lead Javier into the boardroom. The Li brothers grin up at me, and I rethink my strategy moving forward. The terms they offered were offensive, to say the least. It's because, like everyone else, they think I'm weak, they think I'm broken, they think I've lost my touch. That's been the theme these past few days.

"Thank you both for coming in so early," I begin, taking a seat at the head of the boardroom table, Javier on my right. "In front of you, you will find a revised contract—" I snap my gaze at Javier who is caught off guard. I silence him tacitly with a look. The Li brothers flip open the folder, immediately bursting out with worry. I put my hand up. "These numbers might come as a shock to you given our previous discussions, but I had time to do some research over the weekend and I believe you are in no position to negotiate."

Han glowers at me. "I do not understand..."

I cock my head. "No?" Pulling out a stats sheet from the brief, I slide it across the table, Javier examining his own copy, eyebrows scrunched as he connects the dots. "Your organization is being investigated by the SFC for insider trading. Did you honestly think we wouldn't find out?"

"I—" Pei swallows, glancing at his brother. "Where did you get this?"

"I'm not sure how you conduct your company's business, but here at Cavanaugh Industries, we do our due diligence," I state. "Now, are these new terms acceptable to you?"

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