[9]: A Swordman's Way

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Edgard find himself in the middle on nowhere, Cornered while sitting down beside a huge pillar that was keeping all this unholy place standing. Edgard sighed as he saw every beast being carried out inside their cage before Edgard saw something...

The beast with white fur as white as a snow. He slowly catch up to the person who carries him, Edgard was sure it was him because the intel which was given only says that Howl was infected by a genus of Neurogia which majority of the species in those genus have a white fur.

As he keep up with the person, Edgard eyes widen and became unsure of what he was chasing. What he sees was a beast with white fur but also with weird black stripe marking.

"I hope I wasn't wrong this time, Howl..."
Edgard sigh with his eyes closed as he hide the sword and it sheath into his robe as he tries every pose that doesn't create a bulge on his robe, After thinking enough he approaches the person who carries the striped wolf.

He rub his chin to as he gaze into the wolf with a smile, The person notice Edgard before he ask nervously.
"Sorry sir? You need something?"

"Yeah I was thinking of getting an exotic pet... He seems like a good boy and even a good fighter... I was searching for a guard dog after all... Can I carry him home?"

Edgard try his best on act like a rich cruel person, Luckily he was told by his father (Jacque) that a noble talk formally but he missed some of the point his father tell because he thinks noble thing are just some shitty shit.

The person eyes widen in interest as he then slow himself down to buy some time to think... Before then he make up his mind and let out a nod.

"But You need to talk to our boss first."

"Very well then."


The person lead him to a hall leading to a fancy door in the end, The person was still carrying the unconscious wolf.

"I will put this wolf in cage and in case You finished putting up a price and pay for it, I will gave the key."
The person spoke as Edgard nods his head before taking a sigh of relief everything ends for a second but he knew that he need to act fancy again so he does...

Edgard nods on the door as he heard a humming sound of a girl before she stopped to giggles.
"Come in!"

Given the permission, Edgard open the door and he was welcomed by a jazzy music with the girl smiling towards him.

"Oh my! It was such a thing to have a foreign people in my office! Don't be offended by some of my word though!"
The girl giggles with a soft voice before she clear her throat and motion for Edgard to sit, Edgard was a bit surprised to found her in such young age.

"Sorry but I may start the conversation here, To be honest Im profoundly impressed to meet with the owner of this place in such young condition and Im here to get that exotic striped wolf out for me."
Edgard explain his visits here while the girl smiled wider before she nod her head rapidly.

"So how much You want to start?"
The girl asked while tapping her finger on the table, Edgard smiled.

"sixty thousand."

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