Chapter 38: Woe Afford No Time To Woo

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This chapter is brought to you by Inkpot Gods by The Amazing Devil. 


"There was silence in the air as wretched Toby fell to Mercury's blade. The crowd murmured at the pitiful figure the man made, sprawled on the ground as blood pooled around him. 

Toby gasped for air, his trembling fingers moving to the gaping hole in his chest. Mercury glared at him with loathing in his gaze. 

Behind him, Belwyn and Rowan both watched coldly as the villain slowly died. 

Those sleepless nights caused by this man, who threatened his own cousin's safety and well-being, were finally over. 

Rowan saw golden blond hair from an alleyway. He noticed the glimmer of emerald green eyes and a flash of red. 

Jovette had been watching. 

Sadness was etched into her features as she watched with sorrow. 

This was the end for that cruel and stupid man. 

No one will truly mourn him. He was weak and incapable and had no standing in Vesna besides being Lord Calypto's nephew. His followers only cared for his ties and nothing else. 

The last kindness House Calypto offered him was to be buried in their Mauselium. 

There was no demand for reparation from House Stella."

1E5L1AO3-ZW6 finished reading the last chapter of his sister's latest letter with a dramatic flourish.

"Well, that was depressing," one of their roommates commented. 

Another scoffed. "He's been harassing Jovette since the start of the story. I'm amazed he managed to live this long." 

"Still, I imagined there were reasons for his... stupidity." 

"He's stupid, incapable, and has bad decision-making skills. He got what was coming for him." 

"... I guess you're right. Nine, what did you think about the chapter?"

9A1420H5-ZT4 raised his head from the puzzle toy he was fiddling with and blinked. 


"Oh, for the love of--the story, Nine. What did you think of Toby's death?" 

9A1420H5-ZT4 tilted his head in thought. "Foolish. But sad." 

"You think he's sad?"

"Mm. He was not meant for Vesna. He should have left instead of staying. There was nothing worse than a slow death." 

Everyone in the room murmured in agreement. 

They were all fighters and were bred for war. To be stuck behind the walls and incapable of doing anything was a death sentence. Let the ones in Administration handle the papers. They were meant for the battlefield.


Nine lept through the trees, blood on his daggers and a smirk on his lips.

Behind him, a large beast barreled through the trees with a bloody gash on its flank. 

Quin giggled madly as he jumped through the air gracefully. Blood dripped down his fingers as he glanced back at the enraged creature. 

"It's gaining," he warned. 

"Then stop playing around," Juno called back. 

They made it to the treeline and jumped. The three of them landed on the ground and then ran for the shore where the rest of their group awaited. 

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