This is Just The Beginning

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The following weekend...

The sun had just begun its descent in the evening sky as Aditya and Agaran prepared to head to the market. Aditya, a tall figure with a salt-and-pepper beard, exuding a sense of quiet strength wore the weariness of life's experiences but carried an unmistakable warmth in his eyes. Agaran, being the vibrant 4-year-old with eyes that mirrored his father's kindness, bounced with excitement.

"Agara.... Agaraa .... Agara vaa da, let's get going," Aditya called out, standing by the front door.

Agaran, however, had other plans. "I want to walk, paa!" he exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

Aditya chuckled, "But the market is a bit far, buddy. Time vera aaguthu, its already half past 6, vanthu thaan samaikanum apram pasikuthu nu adam panna enakku theriyathu,.... soo how about we take the bike today?"

"No, no, no, no! I want to walk!" Agaran insisted, tugging at his father's hand.

making Adi mumble  "amma ku thappa ma poranthu irukan.... athey No No No no, ithuku mela ivan pudicha muyal ku 3 kaalu than, nadanthu thaan poganum polaieyy....seriii vera vazhi, nada da Adi"

Aditya, who knows about his son- afterall he inherited his determination and adamant nature, relented, "Alright, we'll walk today. But you have to promise to keep up, okay?"

Agaran beamed and nodded vigorously, his tiny sneakers hitting the pavement with every step. The pair strolled through the quiet neighborhood, the evening air alive with the sounds of birds returning to their nests.

Meanwhile, in a house not far away, Sithara, a woman of grace and mystery, prepared to venture into the market. Her attire reflected a blend of tradition and modernity, much like her. As she moved through her routine, a subtle feeling tugged at her—a premonition, perhaps. Something was different about this day.

As she descended the stairs a tall and protective Vikram, intercepted her and raised an eyebrow. "Where do you think you're going, Sithara?"

Sithara, momentarily caught off guard, smiled. "Just to the market, Vikram. Need to pick up a few things."

Vikram's eyes narrowed slightly. "You've been acting strange today. Anything you're not telling me?"

Sithara brushed off his concerns with a light laugh. "Oh, don't be silly. It's just a feeling. I thought I'd enjoy some fresh air in the market today."

Vikram's protective instincts softened, and he offered to drop her. Even-though her mind blarred " NO no no no no", Sithara, sensing an opportunity to avoid further questioning, accepted his offer with a grateful smile.

Back on the streets, Agaran and Aditya approached the market, the lively bustle growing louder with each step. Agaran's eyes widened at the sight of colorful stalls and lively vendors. His fingers pointed excitedly at every new discovery—a balloon vendor, a stray cat, a flower cart- "Appa balloon pa, appa kutty kitty paa, appa kutty doggie pa,...." Aditya was happy to see his son being all happy and excited.

At the same time, Sithara and Vikram arrived. As Sithara stepped out of the car, a peculiar energy enveloped her. She felt a flutter in her chest, a sensation she couldn't quite place. Vikram, watching her with concern, asked, "Are you sure you're okay, Sithara?"

Sithara nodded, though uncertainty lingered in her eyes. "I'm fine, Vikram. Just a strange feeling. Maybe I'm just imagining things."

Back on the sunlit streets, Aditya and Agaran strolled through the town. Agaran's tiny hand firmly held Aditya's and vise versa, and his eyes sparkled with the innocent wonder of a child discovering the world. The bustling marketplace awaited, promising an array of colors, sounds, and the tantalizing aroma of street food. Aditya was very happy seeing his little man's happiness and excitement in his eyes.

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