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The carriage pulled up in front of the Alderidge manor. It was my father's only possession that was handed over to me along with his dukedom. The Prince, I and some other aristocrats were training here. This battle was long anticipated since the death of the King. There are a lot of threats sent to the Palace concerning the throne. It was only right that my dear stepbrother took over.

And there he was; the heir to the throne. Half naked in nothing but his breeches, barefooted and drenched in sweat. He has been training, it's a habit of his, sometimes I wish he hadn't joined the army at such a young age.

He closed in on his opponent punching him in the midriff. His opponent coughed up some blood, falling to the ground, the worn out figure claiming defeat. But Benedict wasn't done yet, he rolled his shoulders and growled out.

"Who's next?" Everyone stepped back, no one was ready to go against him. He was never satisfied until a certain amount of blood was shed. That was one of the reasons he was worse than his father. Ruthless in every way.

"Your majesty," I called.

He stilled in his stance and slowly turned towards me. His black hair matted to his forehead due to the sweat and his knuckles covered in blood.

"I require your presence immediately, your majesty," I tried to sound decent, remembering the few who stood behind us.

Benedict hadn't hesitated to follow me out of the training grounds. "Next time do not interrupt my training," he drawled out menacingly and walked past me.

Silently, I let out a ragged breath and followed him, ignoring his useless threat. I do plan on interrupting his future training, I couldn't give two shits what he trained for.

"More information on our adversaries?" He demanded we get to his office and he began to clean up.

"The Jalskyvia Kingdom, filled with thugs and bandits. They want the throne along with our other territories."

He snorted,"they dare go up against us, how foolish." Sure it was idiotic to go against our Kingdom, many had formed an alliance with us. After all, we only ever conquered our rivals and increased our territories.

It was late evening and the battle was fast approaching but I couldn't care less. We had never lost and I didn't plan to live either way. I took hold of a cigar pipe, lit it up and brought it to my lips. A long drag and the strong smoke hit the back of my throat, burning my feelings away.

"You still do that?" Benedict seemed quite keen about something as he stared at me with curiosity. Maybe it was because I never smoked in his presence.

"Of course I do," he was no saint when it came to smoking, but he had gotten a hold of himself. It might have to do with a little redhead.

A knock sounded against the door and he opened. Three guards marched in, their hands full of women's accessories.
They all looked exquisite and dashingly royal. We had switched roles and I was the one left in confusion and curiosity.

"What is all this?" I asked as I examined the many jewelry, dresses made from the finest of silk, gold, diamonds and cotton. Everything was made with intricate royal designs, it was only suitable for a Queen.

Benedict pranced around and took his seat behind the desk. A knowing smirk on his face. "Just a little something for my princess. I'm sure she have missed me dearly." He said and I couldn't help but glare, it has been barely a day we left.

"In other words you've missed her and decided to send her something in hopes that she may write to you, an appreciation letter maybe?" I knew just how to get on his nerves.

ESMERALDA (His Innocent Bride) |18+Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя