Chapter 32

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When Shen Yuying arrived, the educated youth that had been working in the field had gone back and the people who were taking a nap were up.

Wang Xiayun screamed as soon as she saw her coming back and ran towards her. "Yuying where have you been, we were looking for you, we weren't there when we woke up." She asked her.

Wang Meiyun also ran after Wang Xiayun once she heard Shen Yuying had returned. But she noticed right away that there was something wrong with Shen Yuying.

She was stunned to see her soaking wet from head to foot.

"Shen Yuying why are you soaking wet, You, you didn't go for a simple swim, did you?"

"Don't worry, I'm okay, it's a long story." Shen Yuying said, but the other educated youth came out of the house one by one when they heard the commotion except Li Xiaomei who is busy cooking in the kitchen.

Fang Roulan sneered as soon as she saw Shen Yuying and made a snide remarks. "Hmph! Look at that troublemaker,  she just arrived today and she had to make trouble already. "

She didn't like this group of female Educated youth that arrived today, especially this one and the one that bickers with her in the afternoon.

Just looking at her face makes her so upset. Why is she needlessly beautiful and white. Even better looking than Bai Xiuyun.

Bai Xiuyun also took a look at her, she was also a little uncomfortable with this new educated youth's appearance so she wants to subtly make her life difficult.

"You can't be like this comrade Shen Yuying, you can't cause trouble for everyone." saying these words softly made Shen Yuying's hair stood up.

Why is she talking like this?, it feels like someone is always bullying her. Her talking this way to Shen Yuying sounds like Shen Yuying is bullying her and made her life difficult.

To avoid confrontation, the Educated youth leader Song Jiaxing cane forward to ask Shen Yuying "Comrade Shen Yuying, the others were worried about you, you just arrived here after all and we all thought that you got lost. Now looking at your appearance, were even more worried. What happened to you? Why are you looking like this?"

Shen Yuying looked at Song Jiaxing, she was grateful to him. He stopped the impending altercation between educated youth.

Shen Yuying didn't want trouble, it's just that, she came home later than she had expected. So she responded to Song Jiaxing calmly.

"Comrade Song Jiaxing, I went to the mountain to pick up firewood and some wild vegetables and when I was about to go home, I came across a river, I had wanted to check if I can catch a fish but I saw a girl being pushed into the river and drowning, so I jumped into the river to save the girl. I was late because I went to the village clinic to check her condition." Shen Yuying explained everything, a shorter version of what happened.

As soon as they heard the reason, all of them looked at her with awe except Fang Roulan and Bai Xiuyun who were too embarrassed to even say anything.

They all know that the river current is quite strong , so for them who came from the city, it's almost impossible to swim in the river near the foot of the mountain. They could only stay in the edge and tried fishing.

Looking at Shen Yuying's appearance,  her build was small, she looks weak and delicate. How could she swim in the river, they were almost doubtful but she came home soaked, there's no reason not to believe her.

It's not only them,  Fang Roulan and Bai Xiuyun was also doubtful about her story. We all know the river current,  and how can someone like her save a drowning individual, it must be a lie.

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